


Obituaries: Evelyn McCormick
July 27th, 2012

Announcements: Grief and loss support group
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Announcements: Fisher House Coming to VA in Gainesville
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Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Post Office
July 26th, 2012

new: Summer Art Program in Cedar Key
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Columns: Andy Bair - Hotelier? Or Snapping Turtle Handler?
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Announcements: Please Watch Out for Marine Life During the Summer Boating Season
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Obituaries: Memorial for Willie Smith
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Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 7/23/2012
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Feature: The Concrete Cadillac
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Letters to the Editor: A North Florida Water War
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Columns: Trouble in Cedar Key - "Willie White Shoes"
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new: Dental bus brings smiles to town
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Conservation: A Personal Connection with Florida’s Water
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Announcements: State Road 24 in western Alachua County to be resurfaced beginning Monday
July 21st, 2012


Candidates Forum - Jack Schofield

Candidates Forum - Jack Schofield

Amy Gernhardt

The Cedar Key News has emailed questions to local candidates.
We will post them as we receive the answers.

Jack Schofield is running for County Commissioner District 3

(CKN) What are your qualifications for this office?

(JS) I am a 1974 graduate of York College of Pennsylvania and have over 35 years of executive management experience. Having been employed in various capacities with companies with annual sales from $15 million to over $300 million in annual revenues, I have held positions of Chief Operating Officer, Vice President National Sale Manager and Vice President positions with responsinbility for growth in revenues , expense control and overall profitability.

I was appointed and the elected twice as Town Councilman for the Town of Yankeetown and have been involeved in the required review of our Comprensive Plan, Codes and Ordinances. This experience at this level gives me a good knowledge of how local government works. I also attend as many Levy County BOCC meetings possible an have made several presentations and comments to the BOCC. I have always been active in community service and have been involved in fundraising for many organizations including the Richard M Nixon County Park in York Pa, The Friends of the Withlacoovhee Gulf Preserve in Yankeetown, Withlacoochee Area Residents and have served as an assistant scout master at various scout troops where my family and I have lived.

(CKN) How will you save the taxpayers money?

(JS) My business qualifications of being responsible fo revenue growth , expense control and bottom line profitability has given me the understanding of how to react to the market climate conditions.
Government including those at the helm and those that are employed by the citizens represent the stake holders. Strong leadership at the top by the BOCC giving guidance and working with department heads in controlling expenses is something I am prepared to do. While there has been a recent effort due to the economy in reducing expenses , it is my opinion that local , state and federal government has in the past failed to do this as standard practice. Failing to properly plan is apparent and is one of the reasons we have a large national debt. At the county level this could possibly force a drain on reserves and thus create the need to raise mileage to offset lost tax revenue.
As a Commissioner I will push that everyday in good times or bad times we control or expenses, give guidance to our employees to protect and preserve the citizens tax dollars. I will sit down with evevry department first to understand what is involved with each department, review current and past expenditures and budgets and develope a plan to reduce waste and build reserves for the citizens and business that create the revenue for the county.

Having attended many meetings it is evident that County Government has issues in properly planning for the future. This is not to say that it only happens in Levy County this is a national problem. One of the expenses that mystifies me is county employees being able to use county vehicles to travel to work and then back home, this includes the Sherriffs department. This is not in the best interest of the citizens. Employees should use their own vehicles to get to their job. I am sure there may be some exceptions but it is especially wrong if sheriff deputies that live outside the county are using county vehicles and gas to provide transportation to and from work.

I would also look at every expense down to how we buy supplies,internet providers, phone systems, and any and all redundancies that exists thus eliminating or reducing so we can preserve the citizens tax dollars.
Once this is done, written proceedures that all employees will be able to follow should be instituted so that there is no question in the future how our tax dollars are spent.

(CKN) What is the most important thing you wish to accomplish if elected to this office?

(JS) I want to put into practice simple business principles into County Government which will ensure the citizens tax dollars are spent where most needed , to provide services that the citizens deserve and need and to bring business and industry that best fits the county.

We must always be looking to the future and not be reacting based on current situations. I will working with other elected officials ,citizens and business people to develope a plan for the county for the future. It will be with others interested in providing input that will give us a plan to bring businesses that fit with our counties vision and will provide jobs, revenues and opportunity for Levy County. Putting a plan in place give us a tool to develope goals and to evaluate the progress in acomplishing our goals. We must remember that once a plan is set into place we must be consistently revisiting the plan and if necessary make adjustments .and corrections in a timely manner.

Provide opportunity in creating employment by inticing business to Levy County. I like to think of all possibilities, why can we not get a company like Harley Davidson or Sea Ark to relocate to Levy County . We should seek out companies that may supplement our existing businesses in agriculture. aquacluture, forestry and tourism.

There is much talk and action being taken by Citrus County about a port on the barge canal. Citrus County is currently involved with Marion County and working with them in possibly connecting the Marion Inland Port with Port Citrus. Why could it not be Levy County and in conjunction with the airport in Williston we develope and possibly create an inland port. Recently it was mentioned that rail line issues are a problem getting to Marion and in the report done it showed where existing rail service follows US 41 north through Williston. Could this lead to providing opportunity, if we reach out and want to be involved. I will work to attract opportunity for Levy County and willingly accept citizen input.

Levy County has a natural environment that attracted myself and Susie to come here eight years ago. It is necessary to plan for the future and produce opportunity for the citizens, however we also must protect what we have with our springs,rivers, forests and farmlands and coastlal resources. This is and will always be a fine line we must balance while we plan for the future to produce opportunity.

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Cedar Key News