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School News: The Shark Reports - 10/16/12 Part 1
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Features: Suwannee River’s Primeval Creature
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Announcements: Cedar Key Lions Host Lion`s Governor`s Visit
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Announcements: Celebrate Your National Wildlife Refuges
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City News: Water Board Meeting Briefs
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October 11th, 2012

Columns: Trouble In Cedar Key - A Sojourn to Manatee Springs
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Columns: Oops, they did it again
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Conservation: Do You Really Want a Nuke Plant in Levy County?
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Announcements: Fall Festival in the Park, Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 4pm-7pm
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Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 10/8/2012
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Amabassador`s Assassination

Amabassador`s Assassination

Linda Dale

To The Editor:

As a former foreign service member and an American I am sickened by the assassination of Ambassador Stevens and three staff members of the U.S. Consulate in Libya. Ambassador Stevens was a young man and had served for 21 years in the foreign service.

During my time in service I worked for both career foreign service ambassadors and politically appointed ambassadors and I certainly had my favorites. But my point is these ambassadors and consular officials have a lot to give as representatives of their country in foreign locales. A lot of what they do results in the opinion the host country has of the United States of America. They shouldn`t have to die as a result of the release of a disrespectful and sordid film.

If it is true that the infamous pastor in Gainesville aids and abets the organization that is responsible for the film then he should not only be tested for insanity but he should immediately lose his American citizenship.

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