


Announcements: Cedar Key Woman`s Club Fall Festival
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Conservation: CLEAN COAL, REALLY????
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Announcements: Seahorse Key Lighthouse - Open House
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Arts and Entertainment: WEEKEND MUSIC SCENE
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November 22nd, 2012

Announcements: Cedar Key Blood Drive - Experience the Joy of Giving.
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Arts and Entertainment: Make a bowl for Empty Bowls event
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School News: Shark Reports -11/21/12
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Features: Trouble in Cedar Key - Thanksgiving On The Road
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Announcements: The United Methodist Church in Cedar Key Annual Cookie Walk
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Obituaries: Kay Richburg
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City Documents: Cedar Key City Meeting Agenda 11-20-12
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Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 11/19/2012
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Florida Museum opens ‘Water: Discovering and Sharing Solutions’ exhibit Sept. 29

Florida Museum opens ‘Water: Discovering and Sharing Solutions’ exhibit Sept. 29

Leslie Sturmer

GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- Covering about 70 percent of the world, water plays a critical role in life.

Florida Museum of Natural History visitors will soon be able to learn how our daily actions impact the water supply, and how University of Florida scientists are working to find solutions to global challenges involving water in a free exhibit opening Sept. 29.

"Water: Discovering and Sharing Solutions" illustrates why water is critical for life on Earth and explains UF research involving water, invasive plants and animals, and food production.

"Understanding the many facets of Florida`s water issue is critical to our state`s continued growth and quality of life," said Jack Payne, senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources. "It may be the single most important issue facing Florida. UF/IFAS is working diligently to provide scientific resources that help communities make thoughtful decisions about water management. This exhibit is one way to help people understand how water impacts their lives and broaden their perspective about water."

The exhibit is divided into seven subcategories: water, Cedar Key clams, invasive animals, invasive plants, citrus, recreation and landscaping. It includes interactive displays, live animals and a hands-on Florida spring water table to show visitors how UF is finding solutions to global challenges involving water, invasive plants and animals, and food production.

A collaborative effort of the museum, the University of Florida and UF/IFAS, the exhibit is part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Morrill Act of 1862, which enabled the creation of land-grant universities, including UF.

The exhibit was displayed during the summer at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, an annual event held at the National Mall in Washington D.C. The Florida Museum will display the exhibit through Jan. 2, 2013.

For more information, visit

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