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November 22nd, 2012

Announcements: Cedar Key Blood Drive - Experience the Joy of Giving.
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Arts and Entertainment: Make a bowl for Empty Bowls event
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School News: Shark Reports -11/21/12
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Features: Trouble in Cedar Key - Thanksgiving On The Road
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Announcements: The United Methodist Church in Cedar Key Annual Cookie Walk
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Obituaries: Kay Richburg
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City Documents: Cedar Key City Meeting Agenda 11-20-12
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Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 11/19/2012
November 20th, 2012


Water Board Meeting Briefs

Water Board Meeting Briefs

Ada Lang

Cedar Key Water and Sewer District Attorney, John McPherson is now also the Interim General Manager, since the death of Jack Hotaling in the past month. Highlights of Monday night`s meeting included:

* Discussion of obtaining a fire hydrant meter or allowing the use of direct well water for the Levy County Fire Dept, tanker when it is in the vicinity and needs refills.

* Whether or not to obtain flood insurance for the District complex on 3rd Street. They currently do not carry any, however, there are protocols in place for weather emergencies to protect assets. It was decided continue with no coverage.

* After beating the high salinity crisis, the water coming out of the District wells are now testing with too much iron oxide, which causes increased costs due to cartridge filters needing to be replaced much more often. The Board voted to obtain bids immediately, for a test well to be drilled. The hope is that a deeper well can get past the iron pockets to water that will require less treatment for the naturally occuring compound.

* The District`s meters are failing a higher rate than the industry standard (5% vs 1%). They are not transmitting the data automati-cally to the meter readers.

* The good news, according to District Chairman David Beach, is that the units come with a 10-year warranty and that "we are dealing with a very reputable company" (Mueller) that is sending 75 new meter registers to replace those that are not operating correctly.

* The Florida Rural Water Association has free funds for equipment that the District needs, including some to track and account for processed water that is not flowing through meters. For example, flushing of fire hydrants utilizes processed water and the District will be able to aquire fire hydrant meters to track that otherwise unaccounted for water.

* On second reading, the District voted to amend water and sewer charges; increasing water rates by 10 % and sewer rates by 5%.

* Superintendant James McCain reported that in the past month there have been no equipment problems, no water line breaks and no sewer stoppages.
* Despite 20 customers being past due on payments, no one was turned off in September.

* The metal walkway over the treatment tanks is badly rusted and in need of repair. The District is obtaining bids to repair and repaint it.

* At the request of resident Nolen Freeman, who had questions about water quality, the test results will be regularly posted on the District website for the public.

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