


Obituaries: Jack Hotaling
September 13th, 2012

Announcements: Seafood Festival Parade Registration Form
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School News: Shark Reports - 9/12/12
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Announcements: 27th Annual International Coastal Cleanup is set for September 15th in Cedar Key
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Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 9/10/2012
September 10th, 2012

Obituaries: John Allen Rutledge
September 9th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Halloween Spook House
September 6th, 2012

Obituaries: William James Rees Sr.
September 6th, 2012

Columns: Yummy Stuff - Green Tomato sauce with Capers
September 4th, 2012

new: Friends of the Bronson Library Book Sale Notice
September 4th, 2012

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 9/4/2012
September 4th, 2012

Columns: Trouble in Cedar Key - I’d Like to Talk to Chuck One more Time
September 2nd, 2012

Announcements: Labor Day Auction
September 2nd, 2012

School News: Clip before you toss and help the school Support Box Tops 4 Education
September 2nd, 2012

Columns: "Free At Last" - A Florida Cracker Tale
September 1st, 2012


Commission Meeting Fast Facts

Commission Meeting Fast Facts

Mandy Offerle

At the Cedar Key City Commission`s October 16 Commissioner Dennison participated by telephone; and Mayor Gene Hodges was absent.

The efficacy, clarity, and practicality of participation by telephone in commission meetings were discussed. Attorney Norm Fugate cited state law that municipalities, such as Cedar Key, have the right to decide upon whether electronic participation is allowed at their meetings or not but phone participation cannot be used to constitute a forum.

The motion not to allow telephone participation in the future passed three to one; Dennison dissented.

Commissioners approved the Public Works, Community Redevelopment, City Administrator position advertisement to be immediately.

Bright House Networks informed the City that it intends to petition the Federal Communications Commission to change its rates, citing sufficient competition in the area now.

Unanimously, commissioners approved including the drug-free policy in the Employee Manual and added the requirement that all employees read the manual and sign that they have done so. Commissioners, technically not employees, are excluded.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Ordinance 484 was approved on its first reading; the ordinance amends the city land development code relating to flood hazard areas and adopts the new flood insurance study and updated flood insurance map.

Resolutions 340 and 341 were also unanimously approved; these resolutions authorized submitting an application to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development for grant funding for small businesses and designating authorized representatives.

Ordinance 483 was approved on its first reading, It reduces the number of violations required to permit immobilization of automobiles that do not display a paid launch receipt in the Marina Parking Lot from three incidents down to two.

Commissioners applauded Police Chief Virgil Sandlin`s management of the Public Works Department. Colson suggested supplementing his salary for the additional eight to ten hours of work weekly dedicated to this task. The issue will be placed on the November 7 meeting agenda.

Bill Campbell`s yard debris removal contract with the city was terminated because Campbell`s current dumping site is no longer available. Campbell will continue his services until the end of October. Commissioners approved WastePro to begin the debris removal in November by a 3 to 1 vote with commissioner Dennison dissenting.

Fire Chief Robert Robinson reported that the necessary permits to add beach sand are in process. He further reported that the paperwork has been signed on the dock grant project which will be approximately 87% paid by FEMA, with a total cost of $39,000.

Commissioner Register updated the community regarding scheduled replacement of three bridges: the C Street Bridge in November of 2019, the Lewis Airport Bridge in 2017, and the Daughtry Bridge in November of 2017.

Commissioner Colson reported that Assistant City Clerk Teresa George has given her two weeks` notice as she and her family will be moving out of state. Commissioner Register will work with Clerk Frances Hodges to advertise for the position, as quickly as possible.

Commissioner Davis directed Chief Robinson to invite the Levy County Fire Chief to the November 20 meeting to share with Cedar Key the County`s plans for fire services.

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