


Announcements: Cedar Key Woman`s Club Fall Festival
November 24th, 2012

Conservation: CLEAN COAL, REALLY????
November 24th, 2012

Announcements: Some December Events in Cedar Key
November 24th, 2012

Fishing News: Speckled Trout Spectacle
November 23rd, 2012

Announcements: Seahorse Key Lighthouse - Open House
November 23rd, 2012

Arts and Entertainment: WEEKEND MUSIC SCENE
November 23rd, 2012

November 22nd, 2012

Announcements: Cedar Key Blood Drive - Experience the Joy of Giving.
November 22nd, 2012

Arts and Entertainment: Make a bowl for Empty Bowls event
November 22nd, 2012

School News: Shark Reports -11/21/12
November 21st, 2012

Features: Trouble in Cedar Key - Thanksgiving On The Road
November 21st, 2012

Announcements: The United Methodist Church in Cedar Key Annual Cookie Walk
November 21st, 2012

Obituaries: Kay Richburg
November 20th, 2012

City Documents: Cedar Key City Meeting Agenda 11-20-12
November 20th, 2012

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 11/19/2012
November 20th, 2012




Mandy Offerle

All commissioners were present at the November 7, 2012, 6PM meeting of the Cedar Key Commission and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). The first agenda item, Commissioner Heath Davis`s request to reorganize, was pulled at Davis`s request; he stated that the commission was functioning now and not in need of reorganization at this time. Davis suggested that the commission consider "standards, "levels of understanding," or a "code" among themselves that would assure respectful discourse in conversation and debate instead of argument and animosity. He believes clearer communication among themselves and clearer direction to staff would result.

Commissioner Scott Dennison, responding to a request from Davis, presented thoughts regarding city commission governance. He reviewed the mayor`s role, and the clerk`s, the police chief`s, and fire chief`s current and proposed responsibilities. He suggested that: the clerk`s office become more facile with the web and information technology; the police chief become code enforcer, the first point of contact for all community events and programs, and overseer of the city park equipment; the fire chief become responsible for building permits and inspections, in addition to fire inspections. Dennison did not address the role of the currently advertised position of city administrator/public works director/CRA director except to say that "planning and development" and CRA activities would be in his/her domain. He suggested that each commissioner come to the next meeting with items they want reported upon and regularly calendared.

Davis asked that Mayor Gene Hodges meet with both Police Chief Virgil Sandlin and Fire Chief Robert Robinson to discuss ways that the commissioners could help these two department heads. Some of the following questions Dennison presented for the group to ponder:
* Are we communicating our expectations?
* Do we manage priorities?
* Should the budget process start earlier?
* Can we help our department heads?
* How do we connect with the county, state, and other groups?

Ordinance 484, its second and final reading, was approved and amends the city land development code to conform to new federal flood hazard area maps.

Commissioner Sue Colson postponed her discussion on Acts Funds for Shellfish Restoration in Levy County. Commissioner Dale Register reported that: the heating/ventilation/air conditioning system in City Hall and the Library work is completed; he is tying up "loose ends"; he plans to have contractor paid within the next few weeks. Regarding the marina dredging, Commissioner Dennison reported that he would return to the commission with additional information on dredging and several different disposal plans.

Commissioners reported that, in Teresa George`s absence, Jannie Williams was moved temporarily to the full-time, 40 hours a week, position of assistant city clerk; the temporary receptionist to replace Williams was hired for 30 hours a week.

Dennison was asked about the status of the sidewalk on State Road 24. The commissioners responded by saying it was clearly their intention to proceed with the sidewalk. They will proceed with a request for proposals for an engineering firm. The Florida Department of Transportation will work with the city and community to develop a design for the sidewalk. Citizen input will be considered at a workshop with city officials and the FDOT. The alternative of widening the current road to include a bike lane or path was offered. Dennison mentioned that he had taken pictures of Otter Creek and Manatee Springs areas as suggestions of possible sidewalk designs; these pictures were not available at the meeting.

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