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Fishing News: A Warm Winter Day
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Arts and Entertainment: Cedar Key Arts Center - January Events
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Obituaries: Marie Yearty Johnson
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Columns: Trouble in Cedar Key - Personal Mission Statements, New Years Resolutions
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City News: December 18, 2012, COMMISSION MEETING
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School News: Shark Reports -12/19/12
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Trouble in Cedar Key - Personal Mission Statements, New Years Resolutions

Trouble in Cedar Key - Personal Mission Statements, New Years Resolutions

Gene Benedict

Now is the time of the year to decide on what we usually call New Years Resolutions. In my case, it is the time to plan for the on-coming year. It involves a review of my personal mission statement. These reviews started in 1984. I was trying to organize a new business venture, being without a job, recently divorced, and having no source of income.

I review the mission statement every three to five years. What results is the basis for an ongoing plan aimed at improving my lot in life and helping others do the same. In these nearly thirty years, I revised my mission statement only once. Basically, it involves helping other to get what they want from life.

This means helping them design their own mission statement. Then they use the mission statement to develop a plan with quantifiable steps to get what they want with end dates for their achievement. Most generally, they involve improvements in family affairs, economic improvements, personal/health growth, physical conditioning, service oriented activities, creative expression, educational improvements, and religious and spiritual growth.

Keeping track of the plan, in steps it takes, and in accomplishments are important to growth. Tracking includes what was done and when. Are your satisfied with the results and how can they be improved?

Some years ago, I suffered some brain and nerve damage. I continually work on improving skills that once were commonplace and easily used. I still work diligently at retaining my balance. I now climb stairs with only a little effort. And I am working on riding a bicycle. With concentrated work, the vertigo that once held me back is gradually subsiding.

Reading had become an extremely difficult task. A couple of years ago, I went from no eyeglasses to tri-lenses. Now reading is easier and comprehension is improving. I still suffer some vertigo, but the trifocals have made moving about much easier.

My brain/hand cooperation suffered a lot. Typing became quite difficult. A recent gift from my daughter, once learned, should allow, typing by speaking into a microphone with a head set, the words to show on the monitor of a computer. The computer will recognize that the voice is mine. In this manner I am learning a new language.

These are some of the ways I`ll continue to help other people get what they think they want. And also accomplish my personal mission statement without altering it.

Now is the time of the year to decid

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