


Arts and Entertainment: Call To Artists
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Columns: North Florida – Wild Florida: The Cattle Drive
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Obituaries: Gary Dean Haldeman
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Announcements: BOOK BUNCH NEWS
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by Mandy Offerle and Judi Roberts, 2011 Master Gardeners

January 28, 2013 - Have you ever wondered what the Master Gardener Program is and if it could work for you? Allow me to assure you that the program is wonderful and it can surely work for you. Three of the many exciting facets of the Nature Coast Master Gardener Program include the wonderfully comfortable learning environment, the consummately practical knowledge you gain to act as a steward of your community, and the fascinating new friendships you will embrace.


Master Gardener classes epitomize the optimal learning environment. You may learn at your own speed; no one will push textbook pages and due dates upon you. Learning is a group affair; you will not be on your own unless you chose to be. Wonderfully varied classes include much discussion, numerous field trips, and much sharing of experiences. Expert and gracious instructors Barbara Edmonds and Anthony Drew easily engage you. Many new Master Gardeners enroll with spouses, siblings, and friends.


Formally, the Florida Master Gardener Program`s purpose is to:

- increase the availability of horticultural information in the community at large; and

- improve the quality of life for residents of each county in Florida through Agricultural Extension Agency-approved, horticulture volunteer activities.

Informally, what you will learn, you will share with others through volunteer hours. You will volunteer only as you feel comfortable, with fellow Master Gardeners, in an endless variety of ways which meet your needs regarding time, place, and expertise. Your interactions with the community will make you into a true steward of the land around you in that you will be sharing with others what you have learned. In effect, you will become your own and others` resource to answer such practical concerns as: native plants, mulching, nutrients, irrigation efficiency, and safe fertilizers. You, in effect, will represent the program`s sponsor the, University of Florida.


You will enjoy the many interesting friendships you will garner from the course. Some will be newly retired and have never planted anything at any time (I was one of these); some will own large parcels of land and simply want to know how to manage it well; some will be new area residents wishing to know something about Florida soils and native plants; some will be individuals who have planted gardens all their lives and wish to know a little more. They will be pleasures.

The Master Gardener Program keeps you connected with your fellow gardeners and new learning after the classes end. The wonderful newsletter, Planting Seeds of Change, is published monthly and comes to you in the United States Mail and by e-mail. Several regular meetings occur through the year that feature expert speakers on pertinent topics such as native plants and pest control; these gatherings are often coupled with delicious covered dish luncheons and intriguing plant swaps. The best thing, however, is that leaning and friendships endure.

The 2013 Nature Coast Master Gardener Program will be underway shortly. The application deadline is February 15, 2013; classes occur on Tuesdays from March 5 through April 30, 2013. If you are interested, pertinent information follows.

- Call Barbara Edmonds 352-486-5131, download application from, scroll to the bottom and click 2013 History and Application or email

- Mail a self-addressed, stamped envelope, including $0.66 postage with your name, mailing address with zip code, and telephone number to: NCMG Advisor Board, PO Box 219, Bronson, Fl 32621.

- Pick up an application at the Levy County Extension Office, 625 North Hathaway, Avenue, Bronson, Fl 32621. Applications are also available at Gilchrist and Dixie County Extension Offices.

We hope to see you on March 5, 2013.

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Cedar Key News