


Arts and Entertainment: April Shows at the Arts Center
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Announcements: Levy County Tourist Development Council Meeting
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Announcements: Hidden Coast Paddling Festival Comes to Cedar Key October 2013
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Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 3/18/2013
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City News: CITY OF CEDAR KEY AGENDA March 19, 2013 - 6:00 PM
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Library: Cedar Key Library Programs
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Fishing News: Cedar Key Fishing - St. Paddy`s Day
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News: How to Apply for a Job or Unemployment Benefits Locally
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Lions` Club News: Cedar Key Lions Adopt-a-Road Project
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Announcements: CEE Meeting March 21, 7 PM
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Woman`s Club News: Cedar Key Woman`s Club Life Members
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Obituaries: Sandra Lee Bunch
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UF/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension: Horseshoe Crabs in Cedar Key
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City Commission Meeting 1/15

City Commission Meeting 1/15

By Mandy Offerle, Cedar Key


The Public Comments section included Captain Doug Maple, volunteer, urging individuals to read, consider, and sign constitutional amendment petition forms designed to place on the ballot a legislation to restore funding to the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to acquire, restore, improve, and manage conservation lands including wetlands, forests and more. Also included was Jack Elkin`s request to have the city reimburse him for water line damaged which occurred during paving; the $200 request was approved. George Oakley complimented the city on its new beach sand acquisition. Commissioner Sue Colson invited all present and all other residents and business owners to take part in the Cedar Key School Homecoming Parade on January 24, 2013.


PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY: The Administrative Section of the agenda focused upon myriad items. First among them was the pedestrian pathway along State Road 24 between Bridges Number Three and Four. Concerns arose over state-issued reimbursement forms stating that the city would be responsible for any monies spent over $275,000 and maintenance and repair of the new sidewalk, in opposition to Commissioner Scott Dennison`s prior understanding. The commission decided not to sign the paperwork and direct Interim Public Works Director Police Chief Virgil Sandlin to research and clarify the issue. Should Sandlin return with the understanding that Cedar Key would pay nothing, a four-to-one vote approved moving forward with the project; Commissioner Gene Hodges cast the dissenting vote. The Gainesville-based CHW engineering, surveying, planning, and construction firm was approved by the commission.

PUBLIC WORKS: Commissioners approved the public works job description and keeping Sandlin in the position with the understanding that by October 1, 2013, his successor would be in place.

BUILDING OFFICIAL POSITION: Commissioners directed City Clerk Frances Hodges to advertise the position immediately; the current official will leave on January 31.

GOVERNANCE ISSUES: The responsibility for the city`s website, copying machines, and all purchasing was moved to the City Clerk`s Office.

BOAT RAMP: Mittauer`s Greg Lang updated all present on the planned boat ramp`s pilings with explanatory handouts regarding the performance and longevity of these coated-steel sheet supports.

A special City Commission meeting was called for 6 pm, Monday 21 January 2013 to decide on the use of the steel pilings. The steel pilings were approved at this meeting.

FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE: Fire Chief Robert Robinson remains busy closing permits, sees several potentially difficult situations, and asked the commission for direction on how to handle these latter ones. Commissioners directed Robinson to work directly with the Attorney Norm Fugate; should difficulties still remain, Robinson was directed to bring them back to the commission at large. Robinson reported that now that the new sand is on the beach, he will have a survey conducted that will establish the baseline for future beach restoration.

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