


Conservation: Fish of the Week - Cobia
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Announcements: Cedar Key Christmas Boat Parade
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City News: City Meeting Agenda 12-18-12
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Features: Over the Creek and Through the Marsh A Low Country Christmas Tree Story
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Conservation: Fine art at Dennis Creek
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Conservation: Cedar Keys’ Holiday Light(house)
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Conservation: FWC`s Women’s Fishing Clinic a Huge Success
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Gardening: December Cedar Key Garden Club Garden of the Month
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December 12th, 2012

Announcements: FREE Three Day Family Hunts
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Conservation: Fish of the Week - Black Sea Bass
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City News: City Commission Meeting 12-04-12
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Mosaic Marvels and Textile Treasures Show at the CKAC

Mosaic Marvels and Textile Treasures Show at the CKAC

By Peter Klocksien, CKAC President

February 4, 2013 - Last year when I was planning the shows for the 2012- 2013, I reached out to local artists who would be interested in showing their art work. The Cedar Key Art Center Shows season exhibits from November until the grand finale in April. We at the Art Center have a mission to nurture fine arts and crafts in the community. With workshops, classes, shows and art education we strive to offer a diverse selection of art events. For a small community we are very fortunate to have a facility available to carry out this mission. Thanks to the generosity of the Art Center benefactor, Cathy Christie, and the countless members, guests and artists that have volunteered their time, energy, talents and donations, we have had successful offering and an array of opportunities for the surrounding residents and visitors to participate in.

As President of the Art Center, my greatest reward is to have successful events. The workshops, classes, art exhibits and summer art programs for the youth of Levy County are supported through our membership base and fund raisers. The participation of these events over the years has been varied. It is my hope for the future that the membership base will grow and participation of our programs and events will continue to increase.

The artist`s contributions have been great during an extended time of economic instability. Their dedication and talent, love of creating works of art, in my opinion, has been fearless and unsurpassed. A visual artists reward is usually in the process of making the piece and the reception of is effect on the viewer. Other art forms, such as music and theater, receive applause in acknowledgment of their inspiration and talent, at times even a financial compensation. The reward of an appreciative crowd at show openings is always welcomed. Support of their talent is necessary for the health of an art community. It is said the death of art means the death of society. We hope that art lovers will support our artists and note that the works shown at the Art Center are for sale. We draw from a pool of talented local artists and artists from the North Central Florida region and have offered open community exhibits along with shows for local professional and amateur artists to show their work.

In contrast to the Mosaic work shown at Saturday`s opening, a softer side of arts and crafts were displayed by Cedar Keys own Sarah Westenberg. Sarah`s textile treasures were displayed and her talent, taste and elegant designs were a overwhelming success. Sarah`s heart and soul went in to her work with months of preparation. The two contrasting art forms made for one of, if not the best shows of this season. Sarah`s work is displayed in the member`s art gallery.

Taking suggestions from CKAC members, guests and artists after last years Old Florida Celebration of the Arts, along with our gallery committee, we plan our shows. I was approached by local artists Valerie Bretl and Chuck McDonell who thought a Mosaic exhibit would be well received. I thought what it was a brilliant idea. Thanks to their efforts and contacts, Mosaic artists from Cedar Key and Gainesville were contacted for this dynamic exhibit.
The Mosaic`s group called Cracked Glass from Gainesville, headed by Linda Zidonic, added their professional masterworks along with many other local professional and amateur artists. The show drew many art lovers from vacationers, faithful members and guests. The show turned out to be one of the better attended shows of the Art Center season.

The consistent help of Program Administrator, Mary Bottenberg, promoting and greeting guests and employing her multi-tasking skills were invaluable. Mary`s hard work and dedication have made it possible for the art center to operate at it current level of success. Along with our hostess committee`s generosity of food and assistance, we appreciate the creations and wonderful culinary skills of Island Rooms Master Chef and Restaurateur Peter Stefani catering the opening with numerous delightful hors d`oeuvres.

Thank you again to all of many people that it takes the CKAC functions to be a success.We offer special gratitude to all of the artists that spend countless hours creating the dynamic works of art for us to enjoy. When and if a work of art is purchased at a show, the Art Center will receive a percentage of the sale. The art center is a separate non profit organization not to be confused with the Keyhole Galley Coop that resides below our galleries and studio. This helps the CKAC and the art communities continue their endeavors. Prizes were awarded to five entries by an accomplished judge. Winners of the Mosaic`s competition were, First place: Colette St Mary for "Woman", Second Place: Linda Zidonic for "Sandhill Cranes" Third: Kathleen Dummitt for "Dark Night of the Soul" and Honorable mentions went to Lois Benninghoff and Connie Nelson. The show runs through Feb. 24

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Cedar Key News