


Arts and Entertainment: Cedar Key Artist Wins Award
October 19th, 2012

School News: The Shark Reports - 10/16/12 Part 2
October 17th, 2012

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 10/15/2012
October 16th, 2012

School News: The Shark Reports - 10/16/12 Part 1
October 16th, 2012

Columns: Surprise, James, your very own fire truck
October 15th, 2012

Features: Suwannee River’s Primeval Creature
October 15th, 2012

Announcements: Cedar Key Lions Host Lion`s Governor`s Visit
October 15th, 2012

Announcements: Celebrate Your National Wildlife Refuges
October 15th, 2012

City News: Water Board Meeting Briefs
October 12th, 2012

October 11th, 2012

Columns: Trouble In Cedar Key - A Sojourn to Manatee Springs
October 11th, 2012

Columns: Oops, they did it again
October 10th, 2012

Conservation: Do You Really Want a Nuke Plant in Levy County?
October 10th, 2012

Announcements: Fall Festival in the Park, Tuesday, October 30, 2012, 4pm-7pm
October 9th, 2012

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 10/8/2012
October 8th, 2012


Friends Annual Meeting and Refuge Open House

Friends Annual Meeting and Refuge Open House

Peg Hall - National Wildlife Refuge System

The Annual Meeting of the Friends of the Lower Suwannee & Cedar Keys NWRs and
Refuge Open House will be on Saturday, March 16 from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM at the Refuge Headquarters off Route 347.

The Past and Future of Oysters and Oystercatchers in the Big Bend by Peter Frederick, Research Professor with the University of Florida Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, will be the featured presentation.

Lunch of barbecue chicken and ribs with swamp cabbage will be provided free to Friends members and will be $10 per person for nonmembers. Folks are encouraged to bring a favorite dessert or a jug of ice tea for a pot luck contribution.

The refuge staff will show off the Environmental Education Classroom, the Fire Equipment and Marsh Master, and the Special Operations Response Team trailer. Other activities will include the Third Annual Silent Auction, hayrides with a naturalist, boat rides on the Suwannee River, self-guided walks on the River Trail, and a group paddle on Sandfly Creek. You need to provide your own kayak or canoe for the group paddle. Space is limited to 10 boats. Send an email to to reserve a space.

The public is welcome to attend. More information is available on our website

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Cedar Key News