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Conservation: CLEAN COAL, REALLY???? November 24th, 2012
Announcements: Some December Events in Cedar Key November 24th, 2012
Fishing News: Speckled Trout Spectacle November 23rd, 2012
Announcements: Seahorse Key Lighthouse - Open House November 23rd, 2012
Arts and Entertainment: WEEKEND MUSIC SCENE November 23rd, 2012
Features: ASK A LAWYER - BEWARE OF THE PAWNBROKER November 22nd, 2012
Announcements: Cedar Key Blood Drive - Experience the Joy of Giving. November 22nd, 2012
Arts and Entertainment: Make a bowl for Empty Bowls event November 22nd, 2012
School News: Shark Reports -11/21/12 November 21st, 2012
Features: Trouble in Cedar Key - Thanksgiving On The Road November 21st, 2012
Announcements: The United Methodist Church in Cedar Key Annual Cookie Walk November 21st, 2012
Obituaries: Kay Richburg November 20th, 2012
City Documents: Cedar Key City Meeting Agenda 11-20-12 November 20th, 2012
Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 11/19/2012 November 20th, 2012
Features: Robby McCabe graduates from Air Force Basic Military Training November 19th, 2012
Cedar Key Observes 101st International Women`s Day | Cedar Key Observes 101st International Women`s DayTeri Brennan, Special to CKN March 11, 2013 - This year`s event for International Women`s Day brought at least as many people this year as last, including the drive-bys, bike-bys, and passers-by. Though without the "hoop-la" of last year`s International Women`s Day 100th anniversary, this year brought out a dedicated crown, a curious crowd, and some people who just wanted to tell their story. The Vietnam Vet who spoke of his helping a woman at a convenience store on the way down from Ohio; the Canadian woman who told of her mother raising seven children within an abusive relationship; and the local man who has little but helps others more needy than he is. And, then there were the dogs dedicated to all people, of all genders, everywhere. And. . . $50.00 was raised to support Another Way!  On Friday, March 8, Cedar Key women gathered at the big dock to mark International Women's Day. Foreground, L-R, Lois Benninghoff, Teri Brennan; above, L-R, Maggie Funchion, Connie Nelson, Kay Probst.
 Dogs in support of International Women's Day, L-R, Buddy, Chloe, Tallulah.