


Announcements: Multi-Family Yard Sale
May 1st, 2013

May 1st, 2013

Announcements: LOST DOG
April 30th, 2013

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Arrest Report 4/29/2013
April 30th, 2013

School News: Shark News 4/30
April 30th, 2013

April 29th, 2013

Arts and Entertainment: Sign Up Soon for the Cedar Key Art Center Children and Teen Art Program
April 29th, 2013

News: Maria Thompson, in Long Term Care Near Fanning Springs, Welcomes Visits
April 28th, 2013

April 27th, 2013

Lions` Club News: Joint Cedar Key Eagles and Lions Project supports Levy County EMS
April 27th, 2013

Conservation: Fish of the Week: Permit
April 27th, 2013

News: World Travelers - From Antarctica to Cedar Key
April 26th, 2013

April 26th, 2013

Lions` Club News: Lions Elect Officers, Welcome New Members, Hear About Haven Hospice and Enjoy Hot Dogs
April 26th, 2013

Conservation: Chiefland Volunteer Awarded Volunteer of the Year
April 26th, 2013


Shark News 4/10

Shark News 4/10

Shark Correspondents

Family Reading Night

Mikayla Pope, Shark Correspondent

Family Reading Night is put on every Thursday night in the library of Cedar Key School. "It`s an opportunity for families to read with their children and take AR tests," Mrs. Sue Penny commented. These reading nights have been going on all year, but the last Thursday will May 2nd. The nights start at 6:30 pm and end at 8 pm. The success of the Family Reading nights will continue on with the help of parents, faculty and staff members.

Track and Field Team Says Goodbye to Seniors

Sarah Bartholemy, Shark Correspondent

After many years of participating in Cedar Key Track and Field it`s time that we bid adieu to our seniors. Chloe Reynolds, County MVP for two years in a row, has participated in long jump, triple jump, two mile, 100 meter high hurdles, 300 meter low hurdles, 4 by 100 relay, 4 by 800 relay, and the medley. Chloe has been in track and field since the 6th grade and is finishing up her final season as a senior. During the county meet Chloe scored 16 points, earning the highest amount of points at the meet.

Cedar Key will also be saying goodbye to Austin Pope, Kevin Carswell, Haley Simpson, and Eli Glaze. Kevin has participated in track for four years, Haley and Austin have participated for two years, and Eli for one year. Kevin and Austin have both participated in running events and jumping events. Both Haley and Eli have participated in throwing events.

The third nine-weeks brought forth many successful students. Congratulations to the honor roll students.

6th Grade:

- A/B-: Holly Bishop, Varnell Brown, Kris Burns, Kent Sloan, Joey Stewart

7th Grade:

- All A: Emilie Lavorie
- A/B:vMackenzie Kirkbride, Taylor Simpson

8th Grade:

- A/B-: Jesse Crawford, Emily Smith, Kalei Wilson

9th Grade:

- All A: Noah Webster
- A/B: Taylor Davison

10th Grade:

- All A: Sarah Bartholemy
- A/B: Phoebe Cahours, Emily Colson, Taryn Epperson

11th Grade:

- All A: Lauren Bartholemy
- A/B: Brooke Allen, Tyler Anderson, Vince Bullard, Laia Gore, Tyler Rains

12th Grade:

All A: Montana Beckham, Sarah Martin, Alicia Lambert, Chloe Reynolds
A/B: Molly Gordon, Austin Pope, Mady Riley, Haley Simpson

Life after Graduation

Molly Gordon-Tysinger, Shark Correspondent

While there is the weight of college hanging over a typical graduates` head, what more does one have left to stress over when they`re fresh out of high school? After graduation, a normal person would celebrate, stay around for a little while and enjoy the life as a free teenager (for the time being, at least). I however, will be cleaning, packing, and preparing to move to a foreign country. That`s right folks, right after graduation, I`ll be on a plane to Germany- the place I`ll call "home" for the next year and a half.

I know what you all are thinking, and the answer is no, I`m not insane. In December, I married PFC Tysinger who has been an active duty service member in the United States Army since June of 2011. He is now stationed in Vilseck, Germany, where I will be joining him in June only 5 days after I graduate.

In the process of making my decision to move 5,000 miles away from home, I made a list of pros and cons. The first con being that the furthest I`ve been from home is Washington DC in the 5th grade, and I did, in fact, hold my mom`s hand for most of the time. I will be so far away from my family and friends, and after being with them every day for 18 years, it will be strange being on my own. The second con is the fact that I`ve always been a homebody. I know Cedar Key like the back of my hand and I know pretty much everyone on this island. Moving to a place that I know absolutely nothing about is almost scary to imagine.

The pros: although I haven`t had the opportunity to travel much, I would love to. Seeing the world is something I`ve always been interested in doing, I`ve just never had the guts to (refer back to the DC trip where I held my mom`s hand the whole time). How many people can say that they lived in a foreign land right after high school? I believe that this is the opportunity of a lifetime, and seeing new things, meeting new people and learning about the German culture just seems so exciting. Also, I`m what you may call a "social butterfly" and it`s pretty easy for me to make friends. I know that I won`t be truly alone at any time while I`m there, especially on a military base. From what I`ve heard living on post is like having a giant family away from home and that excites me even more. Meeting new people is something I`ve always loved to do.

Getting shots, medical screenings, and making sure that I have all of my ducks in a row has been stressful, but it`s all worth it. Leaving my hometown will be tough and it will most certainly take some getting used to, but I`m looking forward to having a fresh start, meeting new people, and learning new things. It seems like too big of a step for some people, but I think it`s awesome that I`ll be able to look back on this experience, and say that "I did it!"

Above Picture: The Sharks celebrate after the Track Regional`s meet.

Top: (left to right) Wyatt Carswell, Keith Eberhardt, Cody Beckham, Kevin Carswell, Tyler Anderson, Kit Riley.

Bottom: (left to right) Chloe Reynolds (MVP), Mikayla Pope, Sarah Bartholemy, Lauren Bartholemy, Kalei Wilson, Mady Riley, Brooke Allen, Ashlyn Allen.

Taylor Davison plants eggplant in the new garden. The students are learning a new way of gardening, with a plastic covering that prevents weeds and controls pest. This new garden is a part to the FFA Chapters Food For All project to feed the local fo

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Cedar Key News