Did you ever stop to think how much preparation and man hours go into the making of a 4th of July fireworks display? Well, if you haven`t you`re probably not alone. In that case, let us learn together. On July 4, at approximately nine A. M., CKVFD Chief Robert Robinson and Fire Department Volunteers gather in the firehouse to check and recheck equipment in preparation for a stunning fireworks display. Please keep in mind that Volunteers are on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Cautiously, Firemen load various size mortars (3"=300`, 4"=400`, 5"=500` and 6"=600`) into protective tubes contained within wooden and aluminum racks (each rack holds twelve mortars). Safety is the utmost of importance and precautions are taken to ensure there are no accidents. It`s fascinating to learn that a six inch explosive mortar can rise up to six-hundred feet above the ground and become part of a wondrous light show illuminating night skies over Cedar Key. Around five P. M. Firemen begin the trek to Cemetery Point, trailers in tow filled with mortars to unload, dig holes and set individual mortar racks in approximately two feet deep holes for stabilization to prevent accidental mortar misfire and injury. Due to rain forecast this year the rows of mortars had to be covered and uncovered with tarps because the ten to twelve inch fuses (which are lit individually) are not waterproof. Following set up the ten man crew of dedicated Firemen say a prayer for themselves, the community and the Island. Long after the last amber is out, visitors have left the Island and citizens return home, this group of devoted public servants won`t have finished their work until the following day and they probably won`t see their own families until after midnight following fireworks. By the end of the day, they will have spent twelve to fourteen hours preparing and delivering a magnificent light show. The morning of July 5th the Cedar Key Volunteer Firemen return to Cemetery Point in order to load equipment, cover holes, secure the site and leave it as they found it. Now that we have an idea of the hours spent in preparation, dedication and completion of this event, let us be thankful and continue supporting the Cedar Key Volunteer Fire Department. If you`d like to make a donation to the 2014 Fireworks Fund contact a Fire Department Volunteer or donate at City Hall. The Cedar Key Volunteer Fire Department wishes to express appreciation to all donors who helped make this event possible. CKVFD L to R Front row: John Andrek, Jamie McCain, Tommy Paval, Daniel Carswell, Ty Sanders. Back row L to R: K. W. McCain, Ken McCain, James McCain, Ken Daniels, Chief Robert Robinson.  Daniel Carswell and Chief Robinson
 Chief Robinson hauling fireworks on Cemetery Point.
 Jamie McCain unloads mortar racks
 Robinson shows what happens with misfire
 James McCain digs rack holes