


Announcements: Living in the Rainforest
November 13th, 2008

Announcements: Paving in Cedar Key
November 13th, 2008

Announcements: Medicare Part D 2009 Drug Plan Check-up
November 12th, 2008

Announcements: Keys Lost
November 4th, 2008

Announcements: Wine Dinner Fundraiser Scheduled
November 2nd, 2008

Announcements: TNR Project Slated for Nov. 3-5
October 31st, 2008

Announcements: Ordinance 445
October 22nd, 2008

Announcements: Notice to Cell Phone Users
October 6th, 2008

Announcements: A Day at the Pier
October 1st, 2008

Announcements: Blessing of the Fleet
October 1st, 2008

Announcements: Join the Coastal Cleanup Saturday
September 18th, 2008

Announcements: Commission Agenda
September 12th, 2008

Announcements: FRDAP Meeting
September 12th, 2008

Announcements: CRA Agenda
September 12th, 2008

Announcements: Special Meeting September 23
September 10th, 2008


Authors With Cedar Key Ties to Speak at Library

Authors With Cedar Key Ties to Speak at Library


Today, Thursday, February 25
5 p.m.
Cedar Key Library meeting room

Cedar Key Writer
Terri DuLong

Terri will talk about her debut novel Spinning Forward, published by Kensington Books. In her novel brimming with warmth and wit, Ms. DuLong spins a tale of new beginnings, old friends and lives forever intertwined. She will tell us about book #2 in her Cedar Key Series, as well as her Christmas Novella which will be included in an anthology with Fern Michaels and others, due out in November 2010.

Saturday, March 27
11 a.m.
Cedar Key Library meeting room

Maureen Landress

Ms. Landress, a former Cedar Key resident who was editor and writer for Cedar Key News and assistant librarian, will talk about her writing and publishing experiences with her three-book Marvella Watson series: Sour Grapes, One Bad Apple and the latest one, Mango Madness, which is due out soon.

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