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Candidates Speak Out Prior to Friday Forum

Candidates Speak Out Prior to Friday Forum


Cedar Key News and the Cedar Key Lions Club will sponsor a Candidates` Forum at 7 p.m., Friday, April 30 in the upstairs meeting room at the Cedar Key Public Library.

Prior to the forum, three questions were submitted to the four candidates who are running in contested races for the Cedar Key City Commission and the Cedar Key Water & Sewer District Board. Unopposed candidates were not asked to submit answers to the questions, but they are welcome to the forum to participate.

The Candidates` Forum will be moderated by Lion Jim Green, and the Lions Club will provide refreshments.

Following are the questions and answers as submitted by the candidates: Ricky Cooke and Scott Dennison for City Commission and Dottie Haldeman and Paul Oliver for Water & Sewer Board. Unopposed candidates are Heath Davis for City Commission and Chris Cowart for Water & Sewer Board.

Answers are reported as submitted, with the exception that those that exceeded the 60-word limit have been minimally edited to make the responses fit within the format. Responders are listed in alphabetical order.

Why are you running for public office?

Ricky Cooke: This is home - grow up, work, raise kids, worship, love, fight, sing and cry.

Scott Dennison: Serving Cedar Key this term, I watched over our hard-earned tax dollars. During two budgets, I lead the way to cut costs by $540,000+. The focus will continue on our community`s health, safety and welfare - roads, sewer/water improvements and fire hydrants wer added during my term. I hope to be re-elected to continue to preserve our island life.

Dottie Haldeman: I believe we have a duty to serve and help our community in the way we feel most beneficial. Serving on the Water/Sewer Board has opened up that opportunity to me. My great responsibility to my constituants is helping to ensure, not only our potable water, but our gulf and surrounding waters are as clean and pure as possible.

Paul Oliver: I have participated in City Government since 2002. I considered it my community service which I feel citizens that can- should.

What are the three most important issues in this election, in order of priority?

Ricky Cooke: Budget & taxes (one in the same); environment for working people; saving the natural beauty.

Scott Dennison: 1. Phase 2 Streets/Utilities project - the most critical City/CRA project, must be done correctly & on budget. 2. Secure Federal Block Grant funding for Phase 3 Streets/Utilities project - helpingt our oldest neighborhoods around Kiss-Me-Quick. 3. Reserve alternative funding for Phase 3 project should Federal funding fail and determine needs for Shellpile, 3rd & D Street, and Community Center properties.

Dottie Haldeman: The three most important issues to me are: 1. To see Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Community Redevelopment Plant completed. 2. To continue working and promoting our Recycling and F.O.G. programs (Editor: Fats, Oils & Grease). 3. To maintain and manage Island growth, to ensure our resources remain adequate for the residents who already live and pay taxes here.

Paul Oliver: A. The continuing need to raise water rates, with unfunded state and federal mandates a major contributor. B. The lack of a strong relationship/understanding between the City and Water Board which is a primary reason I am running for a position on the board. C. Depending on people like the superintendent to spend major time on infrastructure projects while trying to maintain the existing systems concurrently.

What action will you take regarding the above issues if you are elected to office?

Ricky Cooke: Pull experience from elders and peers and then make decision with morals and thought.

Scott Dennison: 1. Frequently meet & communicate with the CRA Director to ensure our projects are going well & on budget. Take corrective action early. 2. Work with citizens & fellow Commissioners to determine needed improvements for the City/CRA properties we already own before any new investments.

Dottie Haldeman: I will stay informed and address each issue that comes before our board. I will maintain a good working relationship with the city and CRA, to ensure that you, our citizens, receive all that you so deserve.

Paul Oliver: 1. I have a firsthand knowledge of how the city operates and the best ways to strengthen the relationships. 2. My background of developing and guiding major projects for a major corporation gives me a good understanding of how to monitor whether a project is developing at an appropriate pace. 3. I have a good background in knowing, monitoring, and task distribution so that work is done.

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