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Caring in Cedar Key

Caring in Cedar Key

Colin Dale

This article is the first in a series describing the various community efforts that are being undertaken in the local area to support local families and help them make ends meet.

The Cedar Key Community Food Pantry

The Food Pantry opened on June 21, 2002, supported by donations from churches, civil organizations and individuals. An average of 22 households a week came to the Pantry during the first five years of operation, confirming the original premise that there was a need for supplemental food support for certain families and seniors in the local area.

The worsening economic conditions since 2008 have had a major effect on the number of people needing support, and participation has now increased to a high of 59 households in a week and to an average of 40. In 2010 the Pantry provided support to the equivalent of 5,975 people. The Pantry is open each Thursday between 3:00 and 4:30pm at the United Methodist Church Faith Center.

The Pantry depends completely on donations from churches, community clubs, school groups, organizations, fund raisers and individuals for its resources and is managed 100 per cent by dedicated volunteers from the local community. The majority of food supplies come from the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank in Gainesville for a nominal fee, while fresh milk is provided thanks to generous support from the Cedar Key Lions Club.

The cost of the items selected by the average household cost the Pantry about $7.50 per visit. The cost for similar items purchased from Wal-Mart would cost about $42, so that the return on each dollar donated to the Pantry shows great results for those in our community that need help. The Pantry also provides a turkey or ham for Thanksgiving
and Christmas as well as extra items for trimmings if funds are available.

The fee charged by the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank has increased during the past couple of years and this, combined with the significant increase in the number of people needing support has created a real financial challenge. Another problem is that staff does not know the amount of funds coming in each month - for the first 10 months of 2011, for example, monthly donations and fund raisers have ranged from a low of $130 to a high of $2,856.

The local community needs the continuing support that the Pantry provides but it can`t continue to meet these needs without the financial and volunteer support that has been provided until now.

Money donations can be made by sending a check to Cedar Key Community Food Pantry, PO Box 338, Cedar Key, FL32625. Food item donations can be made by contacting Peggy or Bill Delaino at 543-6001, or Sue or Clark Reichart at 543-0077.

Persons who would like to volunteer in the Pantry operations please contact Marty Healy at 543-6727 or Peggy Delaino at 543-6001.

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