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Established public hunting areas do not have 7-day antlerless deer season

Established public hunting areas do not have 7-day antlerless deer season


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) wants to remind hunters that antlerless deer season (doe week) does not apply on FWC managed lands that are part of its public hunting system.

Most of these 163 public hunting areas were established as wildlife management areas, but others were established as wildlife environmental areas, national wildlife refuges, military bases, public use areas and public small-game hunting areas.

So, while the antlerless deer season on private lands in Zone D might be running Dec. 26 - Jan. 1, this seven-day season in which you may harvest does or bucks with antlers less than five inches in length does not occur on any established public hunting area in the state.

Before hunting on any public hunting area, or even setting foot on one, the FWC advises to first read the rules and regulations brochures published for each area, which can be found at

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