THE CEDAR KEY WOMEN`S CLUB is fundraising for the Gainesville FISHER HOUSE. Fisher House is a home away from home that will be built near the VA Hospital in Gainesville. Many other states have a Fisher House, but this facility will be a place to stay for our veterans and military families receiving care at the Gainesville VA. It will be 16,000 square feet large complete with bedrooms and living areas and kitchens on the neighboring property to the VA. It will be available to those receiving medical care in the nearby VA facility. 
CEDAR KEY WOMEN`S CLUB is selling raffle tickets for $10 each, with a prize of $500 going to the winner. The drawing will be at the C.K. FASHION SHOW, on March 15 at the C.K. Community Center. Tickets are for sale at Deja Vu, Curmudgeonalia Book Store, Kona Joe`s, and by any CKWC member. A multitude of people in Cedar Key utilize the VA medical facility in Gainesville. By supporting the CKWC and buying a raffle ticket, you will be helping to insure that our local veterans and their families have a place to stay when receiving care at the VA. AND----- there will be only 250 tickets sold! Call, Eileen Senecal at 543-9850 for more information, or to purchase a ticket! |