Miss Shari Gillum, Levy County Outreach Advocate for Another Way, a domestic violence and rape crisis center, gave an informative and well-received presentation to the Cedar Key Lions Club members at their meeting on January 24. Miss Gillum explained how Another Way provides domestic violence services in Levy, Dixie, Gilchrist, Columbia, Hamilton and Layafette Counties.  Shari Gillum from Another Way takes a question from the Lions
"Domestic violence, both male and female, occurs among people of all socio-economic groups, age groups, races and religions," said Miss Gillum. "Anyone who has been abused physically, emotionally, verbally, sexually or economically by a partner may request emergency confidential shelter." Emergency Shelter Another Way operates two emergency shelters that serve women and children in seven counties, offering them a safe, non-violent atmosphere. In addition to shelter, food, clothing, referral services, counseling and job skills training, Another Way also provides legal advocacy. At Another Way, victims of abuse receive shelter, safety planning, individual & group counseling, advocacy, injunction assistance, relocation assistance through the Office of the Attorney General, and many other services, including information on and referrals to other agencies helping victims become free from a life of violence. " We help victims fill out restraining orders, and apply for state relocation help if they qualify," explained Miss Gillum. Donations Help Abuse Victims Get a New Start "Often when someone seeks emergency shelter, they leave a violent situation with only the clothes on their backs. Donations to Another Way help provide victims and their children with clothing, food, personal items, toys, school supplies, coloring books, crayons, and medications. We also help victims obtain vital legal documents that they need to begin their life anew, such as a copy of their birth certificate, social security number, photo ID and other documents," she continued. Community Education Helps Prevent Future Abuse Miss Shari and the Another Way staff conduct community education and professional trainings on domestic and sexual violence issues, including education programs on bullying for elementary and middle school children and training courses on how to recognize the warning signs of abuse in personal relationships for teenaged students. Another Way staffs a 24 hour crisis line (1-800-500-1119) to provide emergency assistance and shelter for victims of domestic abuse in Levy, Gilchrist, Dixie, Columbia, Hamilton Lafayette and Suwannee counties. To contact Another Way for safety from domestic abuse, call their hot line (800) 500-1119. For information on the Community Education programs, please call miss Shari at 352 486-3305. To contribute to Another Way with a donation or as a volunteer, please contact the Another Way administrative office at (386) 719-2700 or donate on their web site: www.anotherwayinc.net Signs of Abuse Do you feel your partner has control over you? Does your partner hit, punch, scratch, kick or physically harm you in any way? Does your partner call you names, insult you and play mind games on you? Does your partner threaten or intimidate you? Does your partner use your children to control you? Does your partner isolate you from your extended family and friends? Does your partner take away your economic/financial control? Is there unwanted sexual touching, name calling and/or forced sex from your partner? Abuse is NOT your fault! Call Another Way at 1 (800) 500-1119 for help. |