


Announcements: Request for Bids
March 27th, 2008

Announcements: Announcement
March 25th, 2008

Announcements: Big Museum Spring Yard Sale Next Weekend
March 24th, 2008

Announcements: Dangerous Produce Notice
March 22nd, 2008

Announcements: Public Input Sought on Mine Application
March 20th, 2008

Announcements: Ordinance Action
March 19th, 2008

Announcements: Commission Agenda for March 18
March 13th, 2008

Announcements: "Cookie Walk" Hosted by UMC Women
March 10th, 2008

Announcements: Women Can Get Pap Tests for $5.00
March 10th, 2008

Announcements: Introduction to Nichiren Buddhism
March 7th, 2008

Announcements: Want to Quit Smoking?
February 29th, 2008

Announcements: Garbage Ordinance
February 23rd, 2008

Announcements: Garbage Resolution
February 23rd, 2008

Announcements: Spring Fashion Show
February 22nd, 2008

Announcements: Donations Needed
February 19th, 2008


Woman’s Club Fashion Show Planned

Woman’s Club Fashion Show Planned


On Thursday March 15, the Cedar Key Woman`s Club will present their Fashion Show and Luncheon. This annual event has become the hit of the town in the past few seasons. Featuring Cedar Key models with Fashions coordinated by Nancy Stephens from Deja Vu on Second Street, the entertainment value is worth the price of the ticket. Ticket proceeds go to the Cedar Key School. The Cedar Key Woman`s Club awards a $1000 Scholarship to a member of each graduating class, and in the past several years they have also supported the playground equipment drive, the Art program, and ink for classroom printers.

Vendors are welcome at the show, which is held to a sell-out crowd at the Community Center. Interested vendors and craftspeople could call Jan Hendrix at 543-6837 for information.

The Cedar Key Woman`s Club - famous for its home baking - will provide the lunch at 12, and shoppers may come in from 10.30. The Fashion Show, with its famous surprise musical finale, will follow the luncheon.

Fashion Show tickets are available from Pelican Realty, Curmudgeonalia, and Deja Vu, or from any Cedar Key Woman`s Club member.

A special event at the Fashion Show this year will be the draw for $500, a raffle to support the building of Fisher House at the VA Hospital in Gainesville. There are still a few tickets left, but only 250 have been printed.

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