


Announcements: Local "Beauties" to Raise Funds for Children`s Cancer
May 14th, 2010

Announcements: Revised Final Agenda
May 13th, 2010

Announcements: Candidates Speak Out Prior to Friday Forum
April 28th, 2010

Announcements: Special Commission Meeting on Solid Waste
April 26th, 2010

Announcements: CRA Agenda, April 29, 2010
April 21st, 2010

Announcements: Memorial Service for David "Shine" Blanton
April 20th, 2010

Announcements: FINAL Agenda
April 16th, 2010

Announcements: CRA Meeting Cancelled
April 15th, 2010

Announcements: Election Notice
April 12th, 2010

Announcements: TNR Program Seeks Use of Trailer
April 12th, 2010

Announcements: Al-Anon Now Meets in Cedar Key
April 9th, 2010

Announcements: Historical Society Coffee
April 7th, 2010

Announcements: Community Redevelopment Agency Agenda
April 1st, 2010

Announcements: Request for Proposals
March 17th, 2010

Announcements: City commission Agenda
March 12th, 2010


Cedar Key Lions Pitch in to Distribute Safe Water.

Cedar Key Lions Pitch in to Distribute Safe Water.

Rory Brennan

The Cedar Key Lions were at the forefront of citizen response to Cedar Key`s safe drinking water crisis caused by salt water entering the city`s drinking water supply. From day one on June 20th, Lions members, aided by volunteers from the Eagles Aerie, the Sawgrass Club and students earning community service credits as well as members of the city public works, water board and police and fire departments have been in service distributing bottled drinking water to Cedar Key residents.

Lion Rory Brennan and Lion President Pam Oakley help distribute bottled water at the Cedar Key Fire station.

Lions Club President Pam Oakley was also instrumental in helping organize delivery of pallets of drinking water to hotels, motels and condos for the benefit of their guests. With hundreds of volunteer hours already put in to date, volunteers will continue to be on hand at the fire station to distribute cases of bottled water on week days from 2-4 pm.

Safe drinking water is also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at the self-service water tankers parked in the parking lot across from the fire station. Additional volunteers are needed for the bottled water distribution.

If you`d care to help out and volunteer for a 2-4 pm week day shift, please contact Lions President Pam Oakley at 352 543- 0809.

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Cedar Key News