


City Documents: City Commission Meeting Minutes (Unapproved) June 20
July 17th, 2006

City Documents: Notices of Proposed Enactment of Five Ordinances
June 30th, 2006

City Documents: Advisory Board to Meet
June 23rd, 2006

City Documents: City Positions Open
June 21st, 2006

City Documents: Agenda: City Commission June 20
June 14th, 2006

City Documents: Notice of Quasi-Judicial Hearing
June 2nd, 2006

City Documents: Notice of Quasi-Judicial Hearing
June 2nd, 2006

City Documents: City Commission Agenda for June 6
June 2nd, 2006

City Documents: LPA Agenda June 6 and Proposed Ordinance No. 8
June 2nd, 2006

City Documents: Invitation to Bid
May 23rd, 2006

City Documents: Ordinance 401 Enactment
May 23rd, 2006

City Documents: Ordinance 403 Enactment
May 23rd, 2006

City Documents: Ordinance 404 Enactment
May 23rd, 2006

City Documents: Ordinance 409 Enactment
May 23rd, 2006

City Documents: City Commission Agenda for May 16
May 15th, 2006


LPA Meeting Called

LPA Meeting Called



A meeting of the LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY for the City of Cedar Key has been called for Thursday, July 8, 2004 at 6:30 p.m., to be held in the City Hall at 490 2nd Street, Cedar Key, Florida.


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