CITY OF CEDAR KEY July 20, 2004 Immediately following CRA Meeting at 7 p.m. AGENDA 1. Roll Call REPORTS: 2. Police 3. Public Works Director/Building Official (Fuel Tanks and Cemetery Memorial) 4. Garbage Works 5. Marina 6. Fire *********************************************************** 7 Dock Street Parking update. 8. Consider contract to remove fill dirt from marina. 9. Consider Agreement between the City of Cedar Key and D E P regarding $200,000.00 grant for the City Park. 10. Consider Agreement between the City of Cedar Key and D E P, regarding $200,000.00 grant for Cemetery Point. 11. Leigh Robinson Kerr & Associates, Inc., Proposal for Professional Planning Services. 12. Interim funds for Library construction. 13. Commissioner Ken Daniel, Job Description for Maintenance Men. 14. Commissioner Ken Daniel, Marina Attendant and Alternate. 15. Election Day is November 2, 2004 16. Administrative issues. agenda closed July 14, 2004 12 noon. |