


City Documents: Parking Meetings Schedule
February 25th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Agenda for February 26, 2004
February 20th, 2004

City Documents: Commission Meeting Minutes from Feb. 17
February 19th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Meeting Minutes
February 14th, 2004

City Documents: Historical Preservation/Architectual Review Public Meeting Minutes
February 14th, 2004

City Documents: Special Commission Meeting
February 13th, 2004

City Documents: C.K. Planning Board Minutes
February 9th, 2004

City Documents: Cedar Key Planning Board Agenda
February 5th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Agenda
February 5th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Meeting Minutes
January 30th, 2004

City Documents: CRA Meeting Minutes
January 30th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Consultant Interview Part One
January 30th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Consultant Interview Part Two
January 30th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Consultant Interview Part Three
January 30th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Consultant Interviews - Wrap-up
January 30th, 2004


City Commission Agenda for September 21, 2004

City Commission Agenda for September 21, 2004



September 21, 2004


1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Minutes of August 3, 17, 23, 2004 to be approved. A motion is needed to
dispense with the reading of.

4. Dock Street Project update.

5. Joseph Hatin, request to revisit Chapter 4 Section 6.0300 of the Land De-
velopment Code, Off Street Parking and Loading and Ordinance 250.

6. Hear recommendation from LPA concerning School Siting.

7. Hear recommendation from Historic Preservation/Architectural Review
Committee concerning Petition Number 2004 08; Andy and Stanley Bair,
Island Hotel Courtyard restoration.

8. Charlie Harrison requests to place storage building on dock.

9. Commissioner Vanessa Edmonds - To address the City Commission
clarifying her vote endorsing the Gulf Trail.

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