


City Documents: Gulf Trail Committee Meeting
June 24th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Meeting Called
June 23rd, 2004

City Documents: Notice of Public Hearing
June 22nd, 2004

City Documents: Ronnie Taylor Withdraws Replat Request
June 17th, 2004

City Documents: CRA Meeting Minutes June 15, 2004
June 17th, 2004

City Documents: Cedar Key Commission Meeting Minutes June 15, 2004
June 17th, 2004

City Documents: C. K. Planning Board Minutes 6/10/04
June 15th, 2004

City Documents: Notice of Proposed Ordinance Enactment
June 10th, 2004

June 9th, 2004

City Documents: Historic Preservation/Architectual Review Board Minutes
June 7th, 2004

City Documents: Commission Meeting Minutes of June 1. 2004
June 3rd, 2004

City Documents: Historic Preservation/Architectual Review Committee
May 29th, 2004

City Documents: Planning Board Minutes of May 27, 2004
May 29th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Agenda
May 28th, 2004

City Documents: Dock Street Sidewalk Construction Begins
May 26th, 2004


The Comprehensive Plan is Coming!

The Comprehensive Plan is Coming!

The Cedar Key Local Planning Agency

The population explosion, coupled with the growth in Florida`s coastal areas, needs effective, timely and thoughtful planning in order to ensure Cedar Key`s well-being as a community. In addition, the State of Florida requires that all community comprehensive plans be updated on a regularly scheduled basis. A comprehensive plan lays out a kind of road map into the future. It looks at what we hold dear, and how to adopt our vision for the future. Drastic changes have taken place in the last 15 years; and by the year 2007 we are required to revise and update our current plan.

The purpose of this letter is to inform our citizens of what is required; what has occurred, and how you can affect this project. Public awareness and input is vital in order to have a final master plan.

In January of 2003 the City Commission appointed a Local Planning Agency (LPA) to research, revise and update the existing comprehensive plan and its elements (chapters). After extensive workshops and public meetings by the LPA, the final revisions will be ready for submission to the City Commission for further public input and approval. This process should be "citizen intensive" and highly public. The community approved plan will eventually be filed with the State of Florida for review and incorporation.

Since 2003, the LPA has met over 60 times in a series of public meetings. In addition, a Community Charrette (visioning process) was held in April, 2004 to create an image of the community we would want in the future. Currently the LPA along with city consultants and University of Florida personnel are in the final stages of proposing a revised comprehensive plan based on that vision.

Final public hearings on these revisions will be held by the LPA during August and September. The dates for August are 17 and 24 at 9 AM and August 31 at 6 PM. All meetings in September will be in the evening at City Hall. The September dates will adequately advertised and posted at City hall. BE SURE TO LOOK FOR THESE POSTED DATES. All copies of the minutes of past meetings, along with the proposed element/chapter revisions are at City Hall and available for your review.

WHAT DO WE WANT OUR COMMUNITY TO BE LIKE IN 15 YEARS? Any further changes in the comprehensive plan now comes from you the citizens. Please take advantage of the LPA public hearings in August and September, and again during the following City Commission meetings before the final plan is submitted to the State of Florida. Let us not suffer from lack of knowledge or positive input in our future. Plan to attend these hearings and be actively involved.

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Cedar Key News