


City Documents: Planning Board Meeting Minutes from January 15, 2004
January 22nd, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Agenda
January 22nd, 2004

City Documents: CRA Meeting Agenda
January 22nd, 2004

City Documents: LPA Matrix Workshop Minutes
January 18th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Meeting Minutes
January 15th, 2004

City Documents: Cedar Key Planning Board Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2004
January 9th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Agenda
January 8th, 2004

January 5th, 2004

January 5th, 2004

City Documents: Architectual Review Board Minutes
December 15th, 2003

City Documents: L.P.A. Meeting Minutes
December 15th, 2003

Marina Launch Fees Now Automatic

Marina Launch Fees Now Automatic

City Documents

Boaters will find an easy-to-use meter by the Inside Boat Ramp on their next visit to the Marina. For the first time they can use a Master Charge or Visa card instead of cash. Cash or coins are also accepted with clear directions to take new users through the process. Within minutes of operation on Monday, it served several customers without a problem.

The meter was installed November 27th. Several City Hall staff were trained on its maintenance and use. The City Commission approved this change earlier this year because automation provides additional benefits to the Marina, among them:

• 7 day, 24 hour service
• The convenience of credit card use
• Tracking of peak and low times of use for the Marina ramps
• Complete transaction records automatically created

The City is working to improve service in this busy part of town. We hope you find the meter user-friendly and convenient. If you have any problems or comments on the change please let the staff at City Hall know.

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