


City Documents: Commission Workshop Minutes (May 18, 2004)
May 21st, 2004

City Documents: Change of Dates for Commission Meetings
May 19th, 2004

City Documents: Planning Board Meeting Minutes
May 16th, 2004

City Documents: LPA Meeting Schedule
May 14th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Meeting Minutes for May 11, 2004
May 12th, 2004

City Documents: Special Workshop Meeting
May 12th, 2004

City Documents: Special Commission Meeting Minutes
May 6th, 2004

City Documents: City Commission Agenda for May 11, 2004
May 5th, 2004

City Documents: Special Commission Meeting Scheduled
May 2nd, 2004

City Documents: Parking Meeting Schedule
May 2nd, 2004

City Documents: CRA Meeting Minutes - April 27th
April 30th, 2004

City Documents: Commission Meeting Minutes April 27
April 30th, 2004

City Documents: Cedar Key Planning Board Workshop II Minutes
April 29th, 2004

City Documents: Cedar Key Planning Board Minutes
April 28th, 2004

City Documents: Cedar Key Planning Board Meeting Minutes
April 25th, 2004


Water System and Streets Work Continues

Water System and Streets Work Continues

City Documents

During the week of January 3rd water main and water services replacement will be completed on Whiddon Avenue. Between January 4th and 5th work will begin on Second Street between "D" and "F" Streets.

The Contractor will be notifying customers on Second Street between "D" & "F" Streets that they will have an interruption in their water service at some point between January 5th and January 14th.

Using a trenchless technology called pipe bursting the contractor will pull the new 8" water main thru the existing 6" pipe. The existing smaller diameter pipe will be burst in place with a cone shaped cutting tool with the new 8" pipe pulled behind it. Some advantages of this method include faster construction times and minimizing the need for open trenches.

The new water main is pre-chlorinated and tested prior to installation allowing the system to be put into service the same day it is installed. The new water main will increase the gallons per minute flow, quality of the water and provide addition fire protection. Additionally, new fire hydrants will be installed in areas that did not have adequate protection.

Water main replacement and streets reconstruction will not occur on the balance of Second Street (between "D" and Depot Streets) until after the Spring Arts Festival in April.

Street reconstruction and resurfacing work will continue thru January in the downtown residential areas. Some streets will have temporary closures and or detours, please drive carefully.

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