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Commissioner Edmunds on Cedar Key`s Future

Commissioner Edmunds on Cedar Key`s Future

Jim Hoy

(Editor`s note: City Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds, elected in May 2004, is the newest member of the City Commission. The following interview was conducted shortly after Commissioner Edmunds` first month in office.)

CKN: Please tell us what in your background led you to become a Commission member.

Commissioner Edmunds: I felt like I had a long-term interest in the town and the direction it was going. And I wanted to give a helping hand. My father and grand father were Commissioners. The family has been here for five generations. I went to school in Cedar Key for twelve years and got a degree in Journalism from the University of Florida. The last course I took was Local Government.

CKN: The Cedar Key Comprehensive Plan revision process is well under way. You spoke as the representative of your table at the community Charrette. Could you summarize the views of the citizens at your table?

Commissioner Edmunds: Our biggest concern was keeping the small town atmosphere. No more walls of condos.

CKN: The 2004-2005 Commission members have been assigned oversight of specific departments. You have been assigned Public Safety, Fire and Police Departments. Do you see any particular problems in those departments or changes that need to be made?

Commissioner Edmunds: So far, there have been no complaints that I have heard. The departments seem to be functioning well.

CKN: Personnel matters in other city departments have become hot topics. At a commission meeting earlier this year a citizen suggested that Cedar Key needs a clearer procedure for dealing with complaints and/or improper behavior by city employees. Is that a good suggestion?

Commissioner Edmunds: We do need a clearer picture of procedures. Job descriptions are the first step.

CKN: The Levy County Commission appears to consider the airport as one of its assets. (That is one of the assets used to secure a loan to the county.) Can the county sell that asset? If so, how will that sale affect the City of Cedar Key?

Commissioner Edmunds: I don`t know if the county can sell the airport. It would be great for the city to own it. It should not turn into a wall of condos.

CKN: Can the costs of providing infrastructure be paid for by charging developers impact fees?

Commissioner Edmunds: I don`t know, but it seems like it could be done. We should consult with the City Attorney.

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