


Features: Levy County History
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Features: Marriage Amendment by Default
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Marriage Amendment by Default

Marriage Amendment by Default

David Binkley, Sr. (Cedar Key Church of Christ)

Unless there is some Divine intervention, it appears at this time that a vote in the United States Senate will not produce any progress toward an amendment to the Constitution banning same sex marriages. During this time of Presidential elections, this issue is further polarizing Americans.

It does seem rather strange that those who favor an amendment that would ban same sex marriages are largely members of the Republican Party. Those in opposition to the amendment are from the Democratic Party. Maybe this is an over simplification, but we get the impression that many Democrats want to turn our country into another European style same sex haven.

A few citizens in America are dishonoring God by entering into marriage contracts even though same sex marriages are not considered legal in all states. They have taken the law into their own hands much the same as the old KKK or other vigilante social change agents. They have made their own amendment to our law of the land.

Followers of Jesus Christ live in harmony with laws enacted by the country where we reside. When laws of men come into conflict with the greater and eternal Law of God, then we must respectfully decline man's law and obey God. Consider Daniel chapters 3 and 6; Acts 4:18-20.

The power to govern in America comes from the will of the people. When "we the people" are also God's people, we must be willing to challenge laws that disagree with our ability to live according to God's righteousness and to raise our children to respect God's law. We have that opportunity at the ballot box. Christians should choose leaders who have the courage to elevate God's standard of morality instead of confusing voters by touting economic woes in our land of plenty. If our economy is so terrible, why are millions willing to risk their lives coming to America?

The foundation of this morality of the eternal Spirit of God love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. A person who accepts Jesus as Lord agrees to live according to God's leadership. Jesus teaches his followers, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." (Matthew 5:44)

There are some churches and other religious organizations in America that are taking the view that Christians must show God's love to those practicing homosexuality by turning a blind eye to their sinful behavior and placing them in prominent positions before their congregations. When children grow up seeing openly homosexual people in places of honor, then they will conclude that this is not only normal, but is a desirable life style.

We do not show love to members of our family by turning a blind eye to their bad behavior. We want to scream at them when they lie, cheat, steal, get drunk, or are unfaithful to marriage vows. We expect our spouses and children to live as respectable people in this world. To believers in God, this means honoring marriage between man and woman.

Bible believing preachers must continue to uphold God's word as the last word with respect to all matters pertaining to marriage. There is no place in the Bible that justifies or excuses homosexuality in any shape or form.

We certainly admit that many of our neighbors do not agree that the Bible is the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God. We love them as our neighbors and fellow compatriots. But the people who founded our country were brought up by the Bible and it's teaching. Therefore, our State and Federal statutes are heavily influenced by the righteous standard of the Word of God. Long ago God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorah because of their evil behavior. The modern world is once again trying to make evil good and good evil. (Genesis 18, 19)

When you go to the polls, please vote for people who are not ashamed to state their beliefs in God and the authority of God's word on all matters pertaining to government and morality. When people are living in agreement with God, the economy will take care of itself.

You are invited to attend the services of the Church of Christ at the corner of 3rd and E Streets. Write me with any questions or comments David Binkley, Sr., P.O. Box 186, Cedar Key, FL 32625 or E-mail at You may also request to receive the daily WORD OF THE DAY by e-mail. Check out our web site at

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