


Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
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Are You A Christian?

Are You A Christian?

David Binkley, Sr. (Cedar Key Church of Christ)

Last week we visited our dear friend Joe Ann Caruso in her new home in Daytona Beach. Looking out her back door, she has a beautiful view of the Halifax River. She is enjoying her life there. She set us up in a new hotel for a couple of days so that we could just take it easy and relax. This was a very gracious and unexpected gift. It was just over the top!

Next, we receive a phone call and e-mail from my daughter Laura that they will be in Ormond Beach this week. So, we got up early and drove across the state to the shores of the big pond and spent the day with her wonderful family. The grandkids coaxed us into riding the waves on a boogie board. Ouch – now we are rubbing on the aloe vera to treat our sunburn.

When we first arrived, the kids had many questions about us since they hadn't seen us since Disney World way back in April. Daniel wanted to know if I was an attorney like his father. When I told him I am a preacher, he wanted to know why I did not preach at his church and live close to them.

Six year old William was looking at me contemplatively and asked; "Are you a Christian?" I told him a little about my faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. The fact that I am a preacher didn't seem to faze him. He wanted to get right to the meat of the discussion. When we invited them to visit us in Cedar Key, little Adelaide wanted to know if we have a swimming pool. Thank God for kids!

A person is not a Christian just because they are a grandfather, or a preacher, votes Republican, or is a good person in the community. So then, who is a Christian? The New Testament is the best place to go with such a question.

In the book of Acts chapter ten, there is the story about a man by the name of Cornelius. He is described as a Centurian – an officer in the Roman army. The local Jewish people looked upon him with respect as a God-fearing and righteous man. Even though he was a good man and his prayers came up to Heaven, the apostle Peter explained that he must believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, and be baptized into Jesus.

After the evangelist Stephen was killed by a blood thirsty mob in Jerusalem, the early church was scattered to other cities and towns. Most went to places where there were other Jews, and preached Jesus there in the synagogues. In addition, some went to the Greek city of Antioch and taught the Good News there. It was there that the disciples of Jesus were called Christians for the first time. (Acts 11:26)

Today, it is proper for us to call people Christians if they demonstrate by their lives that they believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God. In addition, if they trust what Jesus did at the Cross to take away sins. We call them Christians if they obey the teachings of Christ Jesus the Lord. Moreover, if they believe that He was raised from the dead and is living in Heaven until the appointed time to come and take vengeance upon the unbelievers and to reward the faithful.

There is no better description of a person than to be a Christian. The Christian life is the best life in this world. Cedar Key will continue to become a better community to live in direct proportion to the number of Christians living here. Our state will be a better place, and our country will be the best country in the world because we have the most Christians living here.

Every great preacher, evangelist, and reformer has pleaded with followers of Jesus Christ to be known as Christians. Luther called upon his followers to be known simply as Christians. The Wesley brothers did the same, as did the prolific preacher Spurgeon. I pray that all disciples of Christ in Cedar Key will come together as Christians.

You are invited to attend the services of the Church of Christ at the corner of 3rd and E Streets. Write me with any questions or comments David Binkley, Sr., P.O. Box 186, Cedar Key, FL 32625 or E-mail at You may also request to receive the daily WORD OF THE DAY by e-mail. Check out our web site at

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