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Features: Levy County History
January 15th, 2004

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Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
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December 4th, 2003


Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

85 years ago

18 May 1917 - The Selective Service System, under the direction of the Office of the Provost Marshal General, was authorized by an Act of Congress to register and induct men into military service. Local draft boards were established on the basis of 1 for every 30,000 people. These boards registered, classified, inducted, and delivered to mobilization camps, men who were eligible for the draft. The call for the first draft registration for all men ages 21 - 31 went out 05 June 1917. The second draft registration for all men who had reached aged 21 since June 1917 was held 05 June 1918. The third call was staged 01 September 1918 for all men between 18 and 45. Classification ceased shortly after the Armistice on 11 November 1918, and by 31 May 1919, all Selective Service organizations were closed except the Office of the Provost Marshal General, which was abolished 15 July 1919.

The Local Board of Levy County at Bronson, Florida prepared a list of names of persons whose Registration Cards are in possession of the Local Board in the order of their liability for military service. The first 10 Levy County registrants were:

Order No. Serial No. Name Address
01 258 Fryer, William - Wilcox
02 458 Barber, Randolf - Sumner
03 854 Asbell, Charley - Chiefland
04 1095 Neal, Reubin - Montbrook
05 783 Weeks, William Marvin - Montbrook
06 1117 Tison, Stewart A. - Chiefland
07 837 Williams, Correlious - Chiefland
08 337 Pooser, L.Lloyd Adkins - Lukens
09 676 Smith, Jeffie - Lebanon
10 275 Jones, Andrew - Inglis

From the Public Records of Levy County.
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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