


Features: Does God Love Democrats or Republicans?
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Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
November 20th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
November 13th, 2003

Features: Would America Be Better Off Without God?
November 12th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
November 6th, 2003

Features: Why is God Punishing Me?
November 5th, 2003

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October 31st, 2003

Features: Levy County History
October 30th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
October 23rd, 2003

Features: Give Gap - Take Gap
October 23rd, 2003

Features: Levy County History
October 16th, 2003

Features: Levy County History
October 9th, 2003


Levy County History

Levy County History

Levy County Archives

120 years ago

Upon motion, it was ordered that the Sheriff collect $2.00 from any and all parties using the Courthouse for any private purpose whatever, except religious services or ternperance meetings and parties using it regularly for temperance meetings be refunded to abstain permission from the Board of County Commissioners.

No further business, the Board adjourned till next regular meeting. Wm. Batty, Chairman, Attest: JM Barco, Clerk.

40 years ago

Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Levy County, Florida will receive sealed bids until 3:00 p.m., April 6, 1965 for the resurfacing the main runway on Lewis Airport located on Piney Point Island in Cedar Key, Florida, with a Type I Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course.

Estimated Quantities 24,889 sq yards of base surface. 100 Ibs per sq. Yard and 100 Ibs. Per sq yard surface. 2,489 tons more or less Type 1 A.C.S.C. 32, 357 Gals more or less, Bit Material (Plant Mix) 3,733 Gals. More or less, Tack Coat Material.

Note to the Bidder: The successful bid will be for all labor, equipment, and materials necessary to complete this job with the Florida State Road Department specifications on Asphaltic Concrete Surface Course, Type 1 Adopted in 1964.

DONE AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN OPEN SESSION THIS 16TH DAY OF March, A.D. 1965. Board of County Commissioners, Levy County, Florida. By. R.B. Davis, Jr. Chairman: ATTEST Ernest Stephens, Clerk.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk's Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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