


Features: Liberty and Justice
April 22nd, 2005

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Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
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Features: Plan to Live
March 26th, 2005

Features: Levy County History
March 22nd, 2005

Features: Near the Cross
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Features: Levy County History
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Features: God Demands Justice and Rightousness
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Features: Levy County History
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Plan to Live

Plan to Live

David Binkley, Sr. (Cedar Key Church of Christ)

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever believes in me will never die." (John 11:25-26 NIV)

The press and various media regularly bombard citizens about the problems of financial soundness of our Social Security program. Many otherwise sane people speak as if this government program occupies some special sanctity. It has obviously become a political football with politicians on all sides tossing popular ideas back and forth. Both major parties use scare tactics to shock people into thinking that they may not be able to retire to some safe haven and there wait for the grim reaper.

A cousin named John was a vice-president in charge of investing and preserving retirement accounts for the employees in one of America's large corporations. He had studied economics during his student days, and when he started with one industrial corporation, he always had good paying jobs in the financial sector. He learned first hand about stocks, bonds, commodities, currency trading along with other security instruments.

He moved to Atlanta in the booming Eightys and helped his fellow employees see their retirement accounts grow. When most people were fighting the early morning bumper-to-bumper traffic of I-75, I-85, GA-400, I-20 and I-285 traffic of Atlanta, John had been on the job since 05:30 checking out the markets in Europe. Relaxation on so-called days off was something that was very difficult. John died a few months ago before ever realizing his own retirement.

John's widow Pat began to write about their feelings, while they were involved with hospice. She spoke about John's faith in Christ and his hopes, and told us much about their intimate moments as they hung on to each other for those last few days. Several months after John's death, Pat sent out a message telling how John once confided in her during those last days that he had one major regret. "I regret that I spent too much time planning my retirement." These words came from a man who wore the moniker of workaholic with a sense of pride.

John served his local church as the Treasurer and assisted in all activities connected with encouraging the church members to give more to the many local and mission efforts. He was always around for the church elders to consult with on matters connected with building expansion loans and anything connected with money. He also occasionally relaxed by working in the yard or doing maintenance on his cars.

What is our idea of retirement? Why do we have this desire to withdraw from working? Many benefits come to people who work. We are quick to see the benefits of red wine for just about every ailment. Why is it that we cannot see the many benefits of work? Some retires spend their time going fishing, playing golf, tennis, bridge, poker, visiting gambling casinos, or just sitting around with the guys or gals chewing the fat and watching for the next sunset. Our own Social Security Administration shouts on their web site: "Working beyond full retirement age can increase your benefits." They are not overly concerned about our physical, emotional or spiritual health. They want people to keep paying into the system. Nevertheless, the greater reason to keep busy doing something is that we reap the benefits in a happier and more productive lifestyle.

As Jesus told Martha and the other disciples, we must have faith in Christ and live. This kind of living will give us strength to live every day with gusto and honest faith to live forever in the paradise of God. While we are still living in this body is the time to start a new program of study to learn a new language. Visit a foreign country as part of a mission trip to help spread the Gospel and to help care for poor children and other needy. Be the first person in church and the last one to leave. You will always find something to do where people congregate. Work to help poor kids and elderly in our own city and county. Startup a small business doing something that you dreamed of as a kid. Maybe it will be selling tires, baking do-nuts, raising cattle, building toy houses for little girls, or building playground equipment. Help coach a baseball team or sell refreshments to help fund Little League expenses. People can do so many things in their so-called retirement years. There is no reason to sit and just mark off the doctor's visits on our calendar.

Jesus paid a great sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary to take away the stain of sin. Christ offers this forgiveness to all who will believe in Him with all their hearts and obey Him as their Master. As we think about the power of Christ in rising from the dead, let us think about our own hope of resurrection from the dead. However, while we are in this body, let us live each day to the fullest and show God's love to everyone around us. The words of one beautiful hymn say: "Because He lives I can face tomorrow." We can sleep well each night whenever we are busy doing God's work, with the full knowledge that we will one day live in Heaven with Him. Start now making plans to live an abundant life! Get moving by putting those plans into action.

If you have not been born again as Jesus requires, come to the cross, take advantage of this wonderful offer of eternal life today. If you have wandered away from your calling as a disciple of Christ, please come home today with sincere repentance and God will restore you and use you in the kingdom of Christ. You are invited to all services of the Cedar Key Church of Christ. Write me with any comments or questions at PO Box 186, Cedar Key, FL 32625 or

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