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Soldiers of the Cross

Soldiers of the Cross

David Binkley, Sr. (Cedar Key Church of Christ)

"Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of the dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:11 New International Version - NIV)

On a mission trip to Ukraine last year, we had a few meetings and Bible studies with a young man from Pakistan who was searching for information about Jesus Christ. He was very cautious to meet us privately, and the first time we saw him was in a dark hallway of an old run-down Soviet theater building. This was the place where we conducted our evangelistic meetings and individual Bible studies. Yusef caused us a little concern because he had been watching us from a dark part of the hallway and then suddenly appeared. We became friends and overcame our post 9/11 jitters. We stay in touch with him and answer his questions about Christ. He understands that he is already ostracized from his family just for this desire to know about Christian's faith in Jesus of Nazareth.

I have limited experience studying with people of the Islamic faith. Before I turned 21, I only personally knew of one young man who was a follower of Muhammad. Several decades passed before I encountered a man who studied and tried to live by the Koran. We worked together for the same computer company. He was from Morocco, and didn't "look like a Muslim" - so the first time I figured it out was noticing that he would pull a rolled up blanket from under his desk and go to some hideaway to say his prayers. He wasn't pushy with his beliefs, and he didn't mind me telling him about my faith.

Once while living and teaching the Gospel in Magadan, Russia – a Chechen man was brought to our services by one of my young preacher students. Shamil knew what it was like to be a Chechen under the thumb of the old USSR. He had spent several years in the gulag prisons in the cold Magadan region. We had many wonderful Bible studies together as he had such a thirst for knowledge about Christ. We had good times of fellowship together and learning about his family and customs. Then the time came when I asked him about his faith in Jesus Christ. He exposed my naïveté when he explained that if he publicly confessed his faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God that he would be killed. His confiding in me about this was given with a little smile that showed his good nature and he could understand that I did not really believe him.

Shamil repented of his sins, confessed his faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and was baptized into Christ. He became an active member of the Magadan Church of Christ. This was near to the time when my mission work in Russia was cut short by various state organs. Later on, after we were back in America, we heard from Russia the sad news that Shamil had been murdered. We had mixed emotions, but mostly rejoiced that he died in Christ and we will reunite in Heaven.

Just this week we were reading news reports about a man in Afghanistan who openly confessed that he is a Christian. Our hearts are warmed by the courage of this brave soul who stands with Jesus Christ in the face of obvious persecution. We have learned about Abdul's release, but conditions remain the same for other disciples of Christ in that authoritarian government. Christians are suffering in many other countries around the world. We are truly in a great spiritual war that has been raging for around two thousand years.

The apostle Matthew recorded the words Jesus spoke when the disciples were sent out to teach, "the Kingdom of Heaven is near." Jesus warned them: "Be on your guard against men; they will hand you over to the local councils and flog you in their synagogues. On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles." Moreover, in the same context Jesus said, "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven." (Matthew 10:17-18, 32-33 NIV) Praise God that we have such incredible freedom to proclaim our faith in Jesus Christ in public without any fear of retaliation from governing authorities. Let us all pray that this will continue here in America and that more people in the world will have the peaceful opportunity to learn about eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

The great conflict constantly raging around the world demands that we choose sides. We must take a stand in this conflict. We must stand firmly for Jesus Christ without any apology. This spiritual conflict is great because Christ is opposed to Satan and all his diabolical schemes. Soldiers of the cross cheerfully and willingly follow the great leader Jesus Christ in calling evil people to repent and turn their hearts to serve the Lord. In this spiritual warfare, no one is exempt from service. All citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven should and must take their place in the army of God. This army rages war with the sword of truth. No other cause upon this earth could ever arouse our passions and energies more than this war to end all wars.

There is simply no place for a coward or a call to retreat in this conflict with evil. Christians of this modern age have a great history to rely upon that encourages us to be brave and faithful even unto death. As we look at those early Christians who were persecuted by the mighty Roman army, we also fast forward to times when faithful Christians have been attacked from those in the rear flanks. Sometimes Christians have turned back and joined forces with the enemy. In order to receive the crown of life, we must be faithful to the end. (Luke 6:22-23) Are you a soldier of the cross?

You are invited to the services of the Church of Christ at the corner of 3rd and E Streets. Please write with any questions or comments. David Binkley, Sr., P.O. Box 186, Cedar Key, FL 32625 or E-mail at You may also request to receive the daily WORD OF THE DAY by e-mail. Check out our web site at

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