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Clamerica-Cedar Key News Kayak Race

Clamerica-Cedar Key News Kayak Race

Jim Hoy

Race winners (left to right) Bob Hudson, Eileen Bowers, Charles Woodhouse and Brian Hussan.

The Clamerica-Cedar Key News kayak race on the Fourth of July had four finishers in three classes. Hot weather, spousal demands and other undetermined reasons caused several withdrawals from the race.

Fastest overall and first in the Senior Mens was Bob Hudson, of Cedar Key. Hudson covered the two mile course in thirty-six minutes, thirty seconds. The second fastest kayak was paddled by Charles Woodhouse, of Cedar Key, in the Mens Masters class in a fifteen foot boat. Third fastest, and first in her class was Eileen Bowers, Womens Masters class in a 12 foot boat. Brian Hussan, of Cedar Key, was second in the Mens Masters class, paddling in an over 15 foot boat.

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Cedar Key News