


Features: On the Last Shell - The Past and Future of Oysters in Florida’s Big Bend - Part 1
February 14th, 2012

Features: Resting and Relaxing in Cedar Key
February 11th, 2012

Features: A Strange Encounter
February 7th, 2012

Features: North Florida - Wild Florida: Walking Turtles
September 1st, 2011

Features: Jennie Fest Pics
July 16th, 2011

Features: Book Reviews: Paradise Lost by Janice Coupe
October 31st, 2009

Features: Faces of the Seafood Festival Parade
October 18th, 2009

Features: Local Girl Meets Hero
August 20th, 2009

Features: Writing Keeps Local Author Terri DuLong Busy
July 13th, 2009

Features: Clamerica Kaleidescope, July 4, 2009
July 4th, 2009

Features: New Birds in Cedar Key
June 7th, 2007

Features: Book Review: Future Jihad
February 22nd, 2007

Features: Methodists Welcome New Pastor
August 10th, 2006

Features: Clamerica-Cedar Key News Kayak Race
July 5th, 2006

Features: God`s Welfare Program
June 21st, 2006


Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

143 years ago

11 December 1860 - The following advertisement ran in the Cedar Key Telegraph - FOR SALE: A strong, light running, second hand, two horse `Buggy`, with handsome plated harness, entirely new - also, one pair of second-hand double Buggy harness - will be sold cheap - the owner having no use for them. Apply to: AUGUSTUS STEELE at Atsena Otie.

123 years ago

01 January 1884 - The Florida State Business Directory published the population by county for the State of Florida. The population of Levy County in 1860 was 1,781; in 1870 the county population was 2,018; and in 1880 the county population was 5,767. The population of the State of Florida in 1860 was 140,424; in 1870 the state population was 187,748; and in 1880 the state population was 269,493.

95 years ago

02 November 1907 - Florida Land Company, a Florida Corporation sold to Wm. Deens, Wm. Hawin and C.F. Friday, Trustees of the Mt. Olive A.M.E. Church of Levy County, for the sum of One dollar two acres of land.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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Cedar Key News