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Candidates Forum - Paige Brookins

Candidates Forum - Paige Brookins

Amy Gernhardt

The Cedar Key News has emailed questions to local candidates. We will post them as we receive the answers.

Paige Brookins is running unopposed for the School Board of Levy County, District 4

(CKN) What are your Qualifications for this office?

(PB) Extensive business experience in private sector enterprise. Reelected to the Levy County School Board. Levy`s first State Certified School Board Member, having completed extensive training in student learning, school finance, legislative processes, policymaking, strategic planning, school law, community involvement, advocacy for public education, diversity, employee relations, and current trends and issues in education. Board appointed legislative delegate, served on Value Adjustment Board. Previous experience as a classroom teacher with sixteen years classroom experience. Current Board chair, totally committed to and involved in the education of Levy County students.

(CKN) How will you save taxpayer`s money?

(PB) The School Board of Levy County is ultimately responsible for the school district`s fiscal condition and expenditures. Through my experience and knowledge of budget and policies, I will continue to carefully examine expenses, gain efficiencies and reduce waste, so that our schools operate in an increasingly efficient manner. For example, through an energy reduction plan our district has recognized a 19% reduction in energy costs in the last four years. I will continue the commitment I made to be fiscally responsible and a good stewart of school tax dollars.

(CKN) What is the most important thing you wish to accomplish if elected to this office?

(PB) Team effort, solidarity of purpose in the best interest of our children and families. No one board member can accomplish good and meaningful things alone. I`ll continue to listen and communicate with the public that I serve, be an advocate for our public schools, and enable every child, no matter what their circumstance, the opportunity to excel, empower excellence, and draw out the best in each and every individual in our Levy County schools.

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