


Features: Cedar Key Churches Seek Way to Provide Food for the Poor
May 2nd, 2002

Features: Mary Ann Delaino Interview
April 22nd, 2002

Features: Oh Yes, Still With You
April 22nd, 2002

Oh Yes, Still With You

Oh Yes, Still With You

James Campbell, M.Div

The Professor for my New Testament class required a rather extensive paper to be written nearly every week of the term. These papers were specified to be between twenty and thirty pages long.

I became convinced that there was no way anyone could read and grade that many papers. After all, there were nearly seventy people in the class, and that was not the only class that the professor taught.

To test this theory, right in the middle of one of my papers, in the middle of a paragraph I inserted the sentence: "And are you still with me, Dr. Barnett?" When I received the paper back I found that the professor had written in the margin: "Oh yes, Mr. Campbell, still with you."

Sometimes in our prayer life, we wonder if God really hears. After all, there are so many people with so many problems. How could God possibly hear and care and respond to so many? Maybe, we think, what difference does it make whether I pray or not.

But, as impossible as it seems, God does hear and answer prayer. You have only to try it to see. Perhaps God`s answer does not come in the timetable you would like, but He always answers.

Oh yes, God is still with you.

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