


Law Enforcement News: Latest Police Report
January 25th, 2008

Law Enforcement News: Police Were Busy Over Holidays
January 8th, 2008

Law Enforcement News: New Year Greetings from Police Chief
January 2nd, 2008

Law Enforcement News: Police News for November 29, 2007
November 30th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Cedar Key Police Report
November 16th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Report
November 1st, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Beat
October 19th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Report for October 4
October 3rd, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Report: Sept. 5-15
September 22nd, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Beat
August 10th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Beat
July 26th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police News
June 28th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Department News
May 17th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Cedar Key Police Report Week of March 8
March 9th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Cedar Key Police Beat
August 21st, 2006


Sheriff`s Corner

Sheriff`s Corner

Levy Co. Sheriff`s Office


Hi everyone and welcome to the Sheriff's Corner. Our Holiday Season was actually quiet this year. I'm thankful for that. Also a number of large cases are quickly coming to conclusion, at least as it applies to the investigative phase. One of the cases has to do with the four-wheeler thefts and the other has to do with the theft from the Town of Bronson. We along with FDLE and the State Attorney's Office will be making the necessary decisions on these issues very soon. This week's Corner will cover several other items that are currently being focused on.

We have recently had the good fortune to find and hire several very good people. You know this is a very detailed and long process. We put these candidates through a number of steps before we actually are able to hire them. All of our candidates go through a thorough background investigation, then meet with our "oral board" that finds out more about them. If they grade high enough they then go through a physiological exam and then a lie detector exam. After all of this they must also meet with me before we move to the next step.

The next step consists of weeks of additional training with a Field Training Officer. While our new deputies are with their FTO and they are brought up to the speed we feel is appropriate to serve you, our citizens.

If there are problems, we try to get these areas fixed long before the new deputy is allowed to venture out alone. This is one of the reasons our patrol men and women are so effective.

Lastly, we are also in the process of promoting some very deserving individuals. We are going to promote one Sergeant and two Corporals. So this is an exciting time for us.

I hope everyone is doing well. Please remember to call Crime Stoppers with information or news happening in our county. Take Care.

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