


Law Enforcement News: Latest Police Report
January 25th, 2008

Law Enforcement News: Police Were Busy Over Holidays
January 8th, 2008

Law Enforcement News: New Year Greetings from Police Chief
January 2nd, 2008

Law Enforcement News: Police News for November 29, 2007
November 30th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Cedar Key Police Report
November 16th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Report
November 1st, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Beat
October 19th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Report for October 4
October 3rd, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Report: Sept. 5-15
September 22nd, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Beat
August 10th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Beat
July 26th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police News
June 28th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Police Department News
May 17th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Cedar Key Police Report Week of March 8
March 9th, 2007

Law Enforcement News: Cedar Key Police Beat
August 21st, 2006


Sheriff`s Corner

Sheriff`s Corner

Levy Co. Sheriff`s Office

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's Sheriff's Corner. This week's Corner will cover several topics in an effort to help keep you informed in a number of areas.

First, as you know, we are currently in an Orange or high alert status. Our Statewide Domestic Security Task Force is participating in this alert as it applies to financial services sections in New York City, North New Jersey and Washington D.C. There are no Florida specific items or alerts at this time.

Many people are getting used to Terrorism and it's possible effects. I hope that everyone is still taking this serious. I also hope that you take the proper precautions and consider how vulnerable you and yours are when these notices/alerts are sent out. We'll keep you informed as this alert develops.

Secondly, we have initiated an investigation into Aqua Marine in Chiefland. At this time Aqua Marine is closed for business. We have received a number of complaints surrounding Aqua Marine alleging among other crimes, Theft and Fraud. Because of the large number of complaints and potential victims, our CID section is being heavily taxed. Anyone who has information or questions concerning Aqua Marine please give us a call.

Last. I'd like to give you some arson statistics that might surprise you. In 2002, 74,921 arson offenses were documented in the FBI's Uniform Crime reporting system. They report that the average dollar loss was $ 11,253.00. For structural property, the average was $ 20,818.00. For mobile property is was $ 6,073.00 and the average for "other" property types was $ 2,536.00. Arson is a serious crime and costs us all greatly.

Take care. Please be safe.

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