


Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
May 25th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
May 13th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
April 27th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Warrants
April 25th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
April 23rd, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
April 13th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
April 7th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
March 30th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Warrants
March 29th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Missing Person - Have You Seen This Man?
March 16th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
March 16th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Warrants
March 16th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
March 11th, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
March 2nd, 2005

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Warrants
March 2nd, 2005


Sheriff`s Corner

Sheriff`s Corner

Levy Co. Sheriff`s Office

Hello, welcome to this week's Sheriff's Corner. If you've been following the Sheriff's Corner, you know we have been talking about the Drug Task Force and some of the things they have been up to. This week's we'll change the pace and talk about several things that are currently being investigated by your Sheriff's Office.

The first topic concerns an ongoing situation that to some may not seem important but to the owners and the Sheriff's Office, it is very important. That is the theft of dogs. Through the years our Sheriff's Office has investigated numerous thefts of animals of all types. However, the constant stealing of large breed dogs is a worry and focus of attention all of the time. This week we were made aware of the theft of a dog for the second time. We were able to help effect the return of the animal the first time. We are currently working several leads in conjunction with the second theft.

Obviously, we know why dogs are stolen. For monetary gain. The dogs are sometimes used to train fighting dogs. Sometimes they are sold to people looking for a particular breed... like pit bulls, etc. The worst aspect of this centers around the fact that the dogs invariably are injured, abused, neglected and some times killed or die from injuries. If you know of anyone committing these crimes, please help us. Give us a call.

The second item I have this week has to do with counterfeit money showing up here in Levy County. Actually we don't have very many reportings of counterfeit money during any given year. However, when we do, we immediately get a number of other agencies involved, including Secret Service and the FBI. Very often the false money we recover is already known by the Secret Service and others. When we add our information, the investigations can go forward and sometimes arrests are made. My point is this, look at your money. Notice what the proper colors look like and if you have doubt, give us a call and we'll check it for you. Thanks.

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