


Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
July 30th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Sheriff`s MOST WANTED
July 29th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
July 23rd, 2003

Law Enforcement News: DUI Balloons into Grand Theft
July 19th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Registered Sexual Predator Attacks 13 Year Old
July 18th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
July 17th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Chiefland Man Arrested for DUI in Cedar Key
July 9th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
July 9th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
July 2nd, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
June 26th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Sheriff`s Corner
June 18th, 2003

Law Enforcement News: Levy County Sheriff`s Office Warrants List
June 11th, 2003

Sheriff`s Corner

Sheriff`s Corner

Levy Co. Sheriff`s Office

Hello everyone. I hope everyone has a happy and safe 4th of July. Be careful when discharging fireworks and displaying sparklers. As a matter of fact, sparklers injure more people each year than all other forms of fireworks.

This week's Corner will be a continuation of last week's Corner. I'd like to talk about the "red flags" of domestic violence. The list of signs that I'll show you in this column can help you decide if you or someone else is in a dangerous or potentially dangerous relationship. I know we partly covered this topic before. I'll try to be more complete with this list.

Is your partner jealous of your friends, family, children or co-workers?

Does your partner read your mail, listen in on your conversations or go through your purse or personal things?

Does your partner make important family decisions without you?

Has your partner gone places with you "just to keep an eye on you"?

Does your partner insist on knowing with whom you talk, either on the phone or when you're away from him?

Does your partner keep money from you or keep you in debt?

Has your partner caused you to lose your job or prevented you from getting one?

Have you lost contact with friends or family members because of your partner?

Does your partner blame you for his failure?

Does he blame you for his problems, moods or abusive behavior?

Do you feel like you "walk on eggshells" around your partner?

Does your partner often drink and/or use drugs? Does he make you use them?

Is your partner like a "Jeckyll and Hyde" – acting one way in front of people and another way when you're alone?

Does your partner destroy things, drive dangerously or do other things to scare you or hurt you?

Does your partner threaten to hurt you? Your children? Your pets? Your family? Your friends? Does he threaten to hurt himself?

Does your partner deny hurting you? Does your partner "make light" of hurting you or pretend it didn't happen?

Does your partner force you to have sex when you don't want to or in ways you don't want to?

Does your partner have a history of violence? Has it become worse over time?

Has your partner threatened to kill you or someone you love if you ever leave him? Has he threatened to commit suicide if you leave him?

I know that some of the preceding "red flags" maybe upsetting. But, they are the real signs of abuse. If you need help call us.

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