


Letters to the Editor: Levy County Planning
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Letters to the Editor: Levy County Tax Rebel Meeting
January 5th, 2007

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Law Enforcement Budget and Attitude Concerns Resident
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Letters to the Editor: Tax Reaction
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Letters to the Editor: A Recent Visit to Cedar Key: Jogging My Memories
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Letters to the Editor: Tax Rebel Letter
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Letters to the Editor: Answer to "Crime Pays" Letter
October 9th, 2006


Military Study Highlights Negative Impact of Bombing Range

Military Study Highlights Negative Impact of Bombing Range

Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

Conspicuous by its absence in Colonel Nolan's article, "Testing ranges can be beneficial", in the May 23rd edition of the Gainesville Sun was the term "bombing range". Perhaps we are to assume the area will now be tested and no longer bombed?

Like the title, the article, at best, was a sincere attempt to deceive. The colonel spent a great deal of time discussing the periphery of Eglin AFB. but never actually penned a single word concerning the bombing range. I found this to be quite odd considering we already have all of the wildlife and habitat associated with sound environmental practices and our concern is the impact the bombing range would have on the environment.

I would like to correct the colonel's apparent oversight.

In August of 2000 the Center for Naval Analyses produced a document titled, "Alternatives to Vieques" from a study conducted at the request of the Secretary of the Navy. Here are their conclusions on new range development:

Any military ranges will have an impact---often an undesirable impact---on the environment, the local economy, and the people who live in the area. Any military training range---especially one where you can expend live ordinance---is going to disrupt the natural environment. One area of concern is the general protection of plants, animals and ecosystems, with special emphasis on the protection of endangered or protected species and the habitat that they need to survive. Another area of concern is pollution, particularly pollution of the air, water, soil or aquifers that might endanger the health of current residents or future generations.

Fortunately, Colonel Nolan has assured us of the sound environmental practices at Eglin AFB and such things as water and air quality would not be a problem...

From the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's public health assessment for Eglin AFB. January 23, 2003:
1. Exposure via the air pathway to contaminants resulting from activities such as prescribed burns and wildfires could pose a short-term hazard from the burning of plant materials. For those exposed, this could cause short-term adverse health effects such as burning, itching or watery eyes; nausea; difficulty breathing and asthma-like symptoms. To address this situation, ATSDR recommends that Eglin AFB continue notifying potentially affected community members whenever prescribed burns are scheduled. Contaminated groundwater from the C-6 Radar Facility is not reaching off-base residential wells. ATSDR recommends long-term groundwater monitoring to ensure contaminants do not migrate to areas where people use groundwater wells.
I would recommend reading the entire "Alternatives to Vieques" report as it provides a great deal of insight into alternative bombing ranges and sites. You can find it at: .

Mike Ragland
65 SE 236th Street
Suwannee, Florida 32692
(352) 542-2595

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