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Letters to the Editor: The Gulf Trail`s Future
September 2nd, 2004


The Gulf Trail`s Future

The Gulf Trail`s Future

Letters to the Editor



31 August 2004

The Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Cedar Key, Florida
Cedar Key City Hall

Mr. Mayor and Commission Members,

As you know I have been involved as a volunteer planner with the Cedar Key Gulf Trail Advisory Committee since its beginning in the late spring of 2002. In your city files, in the very capable charge of Miss Frances, we have placed every record of our public meetings, agendas and notes. I have turned over my entire computer file to Mr. Wieland. We have made periodic reports to you and on occasion, bits of news have been generated in the local and Chiefland print media.

Florida`s Nature Coast Conservancy in 2002 funded a summer workshop for students in the Urban and Regional Planning Department in the University of Florida. That presentation was made publicly here in City Hall on Friday the 16th of August, 2002. Notice of that presentation and reports of the trail advisory committee appeared in the Cedar Key Beacon and the Cedar Key News during the summer and fall of 2002. The late Mike Raftis was an enthusiastic committee member and supporter of the trail, thus we had good press coverage.

On January 28, 2003, you, the City Commission adopted Resolution 232 in support of the Cedar Key Gulf Trail system and implementing Levy County`s authority to assist in funding and placing the project on the county`s transportation enhancement program required by the Florida Department of Transportation. The Phase 1 (SR 24 from the FFWCC Laboratory to 2nd Street) of the trail has been placed on the county`s 5 year plan in response to your resolution.

On the 27th of May this year, the committee met with Mr. Jerry Scarborough, Executive Director of the Suwannee River Water Management District and Assistant Executive Director David Still and members of the public and apparently assured Mr. Scarborough of community support. The commission adopted a resolution requesting the district`s support. This included Phase 4 (Gulf Boulevard and Hodges Avenue and to the State Museum) of the trail.

I cannot count the hours I have worked on this community project, but it has been substantial. Just ask Dorothy Jean. In addition, the members of the committee have often met (13 times), twice walked the trail corridor, and they have done their homework.

I only write this to assure you that we have not met in some time warp outside the normal reality of Cedar Key public life.

Now, we can look at the present controversy. The Suwannee River Water Management District has employed H & B, Consulting Engineers of Bushnell to design Phase 4 of the trail. The committee on a walk-through with Jack Hotaling, PE and Tom Wiley, Design Technician, both of H & B simply observed and relayed local information. We received a the copy of a letter (Dated August 17,2004) to project supervisor, Barney Barnett, PE, of the Suwannee River Water Management District from Mr. Hotaling which included a conceptual sketch of the trail location and preliminary sections. To my surprise, the concept shows the trail on the west side of Gulf Boulevard. The committee in its earlier decision decided the trail should be on the east side of the road and that it should be limited to a maximum width of 8` with most sections of 6` width. Not much more than a sidewalk. In addition, the building of the walk and bikeway would avoid existing trees and other features simply by meandering around. The engineers indicated the presence of the marsh on the east side would be an environmental permit issue, thus in this preliminary sketch, they proposed the trail for the west side. It is very important for all of us to understand this is only a conceptual sketch and has not been reviewed by the committee, the public, and more importantly you, the commission. No thoughtful public dialogue has happened. It is also important to realize that FDOT`s width and engineering criteria must be met for state transportation funding. I think, however, it is imperative that location and trail design be decided by the community and alternative funding sought.

Someone asked why it was made public before any "officials" were able to review it. I have always been very open with the public`s business, even as a volunteer. Letters, memoranda, sketches and any other piece of information should be open to the public as soon as it is in print, and today on soon as it is in a computer file. I know the Sunshine Law embodies exceptions, but this was not one of them. The late Oarrey Davis, County Attorney for Dade County many years ago taught me lesson. When he finished a memorandum, even before it went to his county commission, it was spindled to the front of his desk for the press, the public, and whoever to have it. Perhaps it is impetuousness,
but I am convinced the public`s business is better in the open.

Now, as to the future. If the Commission wishes to continue with this concept of building safe walking and biking ways, we will continue. The city has a mailing list for every property owner on Gulf and Hodges. The purpose of using the mailing would be to advise and invite interested citizens to a Charrette at which time all alternatives would be discussed; much like the Charrette the city had regarding community vision. This should have been done at an earlier stage. Mea Culpa. Thanks to the Suwannee River Water Management District, we now have the basic information needed to proceed along with such a step including surveys and other materials we did not have earlier.

I look forward to continuing my work with you if it is your will. I do support the continuation of this wonderful group of folks, your advisory committee, who have devoted many hours to this community effort. Community is the critical idea here. We must open a dialogue that will encourage participation in this process. That will be our goal.

I also suggest as you move forward with this trail system perhaps a new name; the Cedar Key "walkway and bikeway system". It should be integrated in the CRA Plan which has only arrived for review last Monday and the LPA has had its first look last Wednesday evening. Such a walkway and bikeway system should become part of the city capital improvement program. Phase 1 along SR 24 is in the works and in time it will be authorized by both the county and the FDOT.

Thank you,

Earl Starnes


David Coffey, City Attorney
Miss Frances Hodges, City Clerk
Mr. Mickey Wieland, Development Administrator
The Cedar Key Beacon
The Cedar Key News

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