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Americans Need a Smarter, Cleaner Energy Policy

Americans Need a Smarter, Cleaner Energy Policy

Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

It's disappointing that Representative Brown-Waite voted for the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Americans need a smarter, cleaner energy policy that enhances our national security by reducing our dependence on Middle East oil and saves consumers money by significantly increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy. Unfortunately, the energy bill approved by the House this week does just the opposite.

Instead of working to reduce our dependence on foreign oil by increasing our use of renewable energy sources or improving the fuel economy of cars and trucks, this legislation will open sensitive areas like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other public lands to oil and gas drilling. The Energy Bill of 2005 will harm the environment, threaten public health, weaken consumer protections and keep us dependent on Middle East oil.

The way we choose to power America today will have far reaching implications tomorrow. If we are to have a clean and sustainable future, we must have a rational and effective energy policy now. Our policy must be one that encourages American ingenuity and American know-how while making us less dependent on Middle East oil.

Unfortunately, by voting for this backward-looking energy bill, Representative Brown-Waite sided with the oil, gas, coal, and nuclear industries while America suffers with a policy of import, drill and burn. We can do better.


Shirin Bidel-Niyat
Florida Campaign Manager
League of Conservation Voters

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