


Letters to the Editor: Levy County Planning
September 5th, 2007

Letters to the Editor: May Day in July
July 31st, 2007

Letters to the Editor: A Letter from Brian Hussan
May 9th, 2007

Letters to the Editor: Candidate Withdraws from Commission Race
April 20th, 2007

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Recipe for Tax Disaster
March 26th, 2007

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Study Merger of Water & Sewer District into City
March 12th, 2007

Letters to the Editor: Levy County Tax Rebel Meeting
January 5th, 2007

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Law Enforcement Budget and Attitude Concerns Resident
December 18th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Invite to Fish Fry
December 7th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Ferel Cat Program
November 28th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Tax Reaction
November 1st, 2006

Letters to the Editor: A Recent Visit to Cedar Key: Jogging My Memories
October 26th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Tax Rebel Letter
October 23rd, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Operation Cedar Key is Successful
October 19th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Answer to "Crime Pays" Letter
October 9th, 2006


Politics and the Big Dock

Politics and the Big Dock

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

This is in response to the article in the Cedar Key News concerning funds
for the reconstruction of the "Big Dock" at Cedar Key which was
damaged by hurricanes last year. I had written previously that nothing was being done and that our government was failing us, I stand corrected, thank you for the
new information. I hope Governor Bush signs the funding bills passed by the
Florida legislature with the help of Representative Kendrick, and Senator

However, $200,00 is not nearly enough money to fix the dock as it may be
necessary to replace it completely. We also need federal assistance with
this project. It is my understanding that Fema had previously refused to
fund any of the repairs to the "Big Dock". This was at the same time
that Fema sent $31 million dollars in payments to residents in Miami-Dade County
for damage from Hurricane Francis even though the storm never hit Miami-Dade

It was reported in the May 19, 2005, Washington Post, that the reason that
the money was sent to Miami-Dade was for political purposes. "Homeland
Security sources said FEMA`s efforts to distribute funds quickly after
Frances and three other hurricanes that hit the key political battleground
state of Florida in a six-week period last fall were undertaken with a keen
awareness of the coming presidential election ", as reported in the
Washington Post.

We all expect politics to play a major role in government funding. Our last
member of congress, Karen Thurman, was a member of the appropriations
committee in congress. Thurman was always there to help us with legitimate
needs. Our new member of congress, Ginny Brown-Waite needs to help us with
Fema. The repair of our dock is critical to the economic survival of Cedar
Key. It serves tens of thousands of Florida residents as well as visitors
from all over the country as a recreational facility.

The FEMA funding for the Cedar Key Dock will be a good test to see if we
have someone in congress who can help us when we sincerely need help. If
FEMA has $31 million for Miami-Dade County which didn`t even get hit by a
hurricane, then they can find some funding for our community which actually
suffered a loss.

The yellow tape across the entrance to the dock makes it look like a crime
scene. If Miami-Dade can receive millions and we get nothing, it really will
be a crime.

Sincerely, Mike Segal

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