


Letters to the Editor: Another Letter
April 11th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: And Another Letter
April 11th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
April 10th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
April 4th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
April 2nd, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Pipeline Letter
March 16th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
March 13th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
March 11th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Art Show Information
March 1st, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Another View of the Pulp Mill Pipeline
November 14th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Pipeline Defended
November 12th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Capt. Dan Needs Our Assistance
October 21st, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Squires Family Card of Thanks
September 14th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Politics and the Big Dock
May 27th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Unpleasant Airboat Experience
May 15th, 2005


Squires Family Card of Thanks

Squires Family Card of Thanks

Letters to the Editor

The family of "Little" Johnnie Squires would like to extend our most sincere and heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to the many, many family and friends who have supported us at this most difficult time. We have been and continue to be touched by everyone who has supported us by the many acts of kindness and love. To see all of the support and love was a huge testament to the loving, thoughtful, caring man Little Johnnie was. Our son, brother, and father, touched many lives - more than we realized or knew of. Again, thank you. We would like to extend an extra thank you to Berry Smith for the graveside services. Chris Feigin for coordinating meals for the family. Thank you to everyone who gave food to the family. Thank you to Anne's Café, for donating your restaurant for us to gather at after the services. Thank You to Rita Baker for all the extra help and support. Thank you to all the friends and family for all the prayers, flowers, and cards. We are still very devastated, heartbroken and hurt, and will be for some time to come. We miss you terribly Johnnie but take some comfort in knowing that you were very loved. We feel very blessed, honored and thankful to have had you in our lives. We continue to be so proud to call you "ours." Enjoy yourself in Heaven - if we need anything here on Earth, we know that we can still give you a call. We love and miss you so much, Johnnie and Linda Squires, Renee' Dunaway, "Lizzie" Squires, Samantha Squires.

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