

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
July 4th, 2013

Letters to the Editor: Crystal River Manatee
February 20th, 2013

Letters to the Editor: Recent "Conservation" letters/column`s to the Cedar Key News
November 26th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Veteran`s Day Signs
November 15th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - Vote tabulation and voting process in Florida
November 11th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - A Reply to - "Emperor with no Clothes"
November 1st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - "Emperor with no Clothes"
November 1st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter to Editor - Seafood “Parking Ticket” Festival!!
October 24th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Amabassador`s Assassination
September 14th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Halloween Spook House
September 6th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Why I Am Resigning My Commissioner Seat
August 24th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Willie Smith
July 31st, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Post Office
July 26th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: A North Florida Water War
July 23rd, 2012

Letters to the Editor: A Reply to the "Letter to the Editor - Stand Your Ground"
July 10th, 2012


Enforce Noise Laws

Enforce Noise Laws

Letters to the Editor

As I've read each week the letters regarding motorcycles, I thought I needed to get my 2¢ worth in. As a 30-year resident of Cedar Key, I have watched in dismay the corruption of our city in the name of money or progress. Don't get me wrong, I like money, too, but there are limits.
If you want noise, build a bar by your home and invite the loud motorcycles to your house. You can entertain them (the doctors and lawyers pretending to be Hell's Angels on the weekends!) with all their money.
The come roaring in, rattling my windows. I believe there is a law prohibiting straight pipes. Why doesn't our police department enforce it? I was told by one that he couldn't issue a ticket. We have an ordinance against loud noise. Why isn't it enforced? I have a tenant with a motorcycle. It's very quiet. He has mufflers! Oh, what a radical thought!
As to tractor trailers coming into town, they are doing deliveries. I have never seen them speeding by my house on Highway 24; can't say that about motorcycles.
People need to go to city meetings or call their commissioners and let them know their opinions on what is happening in their city.
The County Commission will be discussing future development on the coastline. Voice your opinions or call the commissioners. We need to keep our water clean for fishermen and tourists alike.

Thank you,
Betty Rose Cooke

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Cedar Key News