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Levy County Tax Rebel Meeting

Levy County Tax Rebel Meeting

Letters to the Editor

Levy County Tax Rebel Meeting Thursday, 7PM January 11th, 2007 – Cedar Cove Conference Room- Cedar Key

So you think you can't do anything about the property tax gun held to your head? Guess again! The Levy County Tax Rebels have a solution...And it's legal! It's a solution that was added to the "New" 1968 Florida constitution....That's right...The current Constitution of the State of Florida replaced the State of Florida Constitution of 1885! The 1968 Florida legislature saw the need for a new type of county government...A government which they named a "Home Rule" form of government. A government for the people, by the people and of the people. A government that we DO NOT HAVE today in Levy County! The GOOD NEWS is that we have the right to a "Home Rule" form of county government.

Home Rule government gives the voters of Levy County a real voice in how the county runs. Learn how...Attend the "Levy County Tax Rebel" meeting –

· When? Thursday, 7PM January 11th, 2007

· Where? Cedar Key – Cedar Cove Conference Room – Next to the "Island Room" restaurant at the East end of 2nd Street

· Why? Learn how to make a permanent change in our Levy County government

This is a fight that MUST be won – If unfair county government laws and actions are hurting you or your friends - This is a fight for you! This is not just about taxes, although unfair taxes are the immediate concern. Unfair taxes are just the tip of the iceberg! Unfair government hurts everyone! We do have a solution...Find out what it is and YOU DECIDE!


Bill Phillips
Levy County Tax Rebel

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